I Know

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It's hard but if
you can't find a way
to smile for your
people. Then smile
for me, I'll always be with you.

My Street

Aria's POV:
Three days.

Three friggin' days until the last term tests that I will be taking in my freshman year.

Damn, how time travels fast.

Carmela hasn't been talking to me lately in Wattfad. She's been busy studying. She even took a break from writing her one shots.

That sucked.

She left me hanging by the minute on one, since she tagged me.

Anyway, it's been a (not so) great year for all of us. We have smiled, and also shed tears.

Even Carmela showed tears one time at school (not because of Geo.) A long, long, time ago. That was a day I couldn't forget, but that's a story to be told in another time.

I'm going to miss these people.


It was a Thursday, and Jen had MAPE practice after classes. So, I decided to wait for him with Duyan.

Duyan, that kind friend to whom you could always talk to about Wattfad, Why Don't We, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Flipped, and a bunch of other stuff.

Her mom was going to fetch her in Starbuds in 2:30. Since it was just 1:45, she decided to wait with me for Jen.

We sat on a bench under a shaded tree, away from the blistering rays of the sun.

Although, I still shed a gallon- no, a waterfall of sweat.

I just couldn't stand the Summer heat.

So, we talked and talked.

"Aria!" She said. "Why Don't We is having a concert in the Philippines!!!"

"Crap," I looked at her phone. "And the tickets?"

"Costs way more than our lives."

"Damn it."

Both of us stated at our phones. We chit chatted long enough to catch Geo going home.

"Hey Geo!" I called from the bench.

I gestured him to come and sit with us. He shook his head, but then I mouthed to him 'I will kill you' from afar. Then he came running to the bench we were sitting on.

Ahhhh, all that it takes is a threat to deprive a boy.

He grunted. "Why?"

"You're still here," I eyed him. "Why are you still around after classes? Dude, it's almost 2:30."

"I'm waiting for my sister," he said. "Her dismissals at 3:00 today."

"Oh, figures."

"And you?" He raised an eyebrow. "Why are you guys still around after school hours."

"I'm waiting for my boy friend." I slumped and frowned.

"And apparently I am too," Duyan raised her hand. "Since.... I'm waiting for Aria."

"Thank you for your patience."

"I hate you."

"Alright," he sighed. "Why'd you call me? What do you want?"

"Nothing," I said. "Just come sit with us."

"I'm going...."

"No! Wait" I stopped him. "Okay, real talk. You've been really-"

He glared at me.

"Okay, you've been really really sour to me in the past week." I frowned. "What's up?"

Some of the things I can't stand, is someone hating me. Especially if that someone is a close friend.

"Well," he puts a finger on his chin. "For starters, you're annoying. Second.... You won't tell me Carmela's crush."

"Pft," I rolled my eyes. "Why are you so concerned?"

I looked at him smugly.

"Don't think of it the wrong way!"

"Wait!" Duyan puts down her phone. "Carmela has a crush?!"

We both looked at her anxiously.

"I think you need some alone time with your phone," I gave Duyan her phone back.

"Wait! I wanna know more!!!!"

"Hush, child...."

I soon convinced Duyan to keep her eyes and ears on her phone once I played Trust Fund Baby by Why Don't We, on Youfloob.

"So," Geo frowned. "Who is it?"

"Don't expect me to tell you," I squinted my eyes. "I only redirected Duyan's attention so that she wouldn't hear more of this conversation."

"Aria! I promise! I'll keep it a secret!"

I thought about telling him, and not telling him. I reconfigured the pros and cons in my head. I thought about it over and over again.

Maybe telling Geo isn't such a bad thing.

Since he had found the courage to confess to Maine.... I guess this is another way for Carmela to confess to Geo.

It was almost the end of classes anyway, what could possibly go wrong?

I breathed in. Then exhaled heavily.

I held the collar of his uniform. "Swear on your life, your God, and your family and friends that you'll keep this between us and us only."

I looked deeply into his very pale hazelnut eyes. He gulped.

"I swear."

I let go of his collar, and I let him down easily.

"It's you," I whispered.


"She has feelings for you," I said.

"What feelings?

"For the love of- She likes you!" I yelled.

There was a short pause, a silence filled with awkwardness, a weird- well, you get the point.

He sighed and looked away.

"I knew," he said. "I always knew. I just didn't want to tell her that I had the gut feeling that it was me."


"It's because she'd think less of me," he said. "But I always knew. I just- felt it."

"Oh please tell me you feel the same!" I pleaded.

"I like her-"


"As a friend."


"She was just a friend, and only a friend...." He looked away. "I'm sorry, but apparently she's still a somebody to me. She's still my friend, the best friend I ever had."

"You think she'd be satisfied with your speech, white man?"

"Don't mock my attempt in speech making, Aria."

There was once again, a moment of silence.

"What now?" He asked.

"Shut up about it and keep it to yourself." I frowned. "She mustn't find out about this."

We both nodded.

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