The Goth Girl ch 1 --> pic of Gina

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Character List


Age 17

Appearance  tall, golden brown hair, forest green eyes, 6 pack, muscular and tanned

Backround  parents happily married, only child, rich, lived in California whole life

Hobbies  football quarterback

Photo  not found (yet)


Age 17

Appearance  jet black hair, dark brown eyes, pale, average height, naturally skinny

Backround used to be blonde, pretty and popular; parents died in car accident, went to live with aunt in California, and turned Goth

Hobbies  street racing

Photo in chapter 1


A/N just to let you guys know this one poped into my head out of nowhere and I decided to give it a shot so I hope you enjoy it !!

The Goth Girl

Chapter 1

Nicks P.O.V


"Ugh!!" I grabbed to alarm clock and trough it at the wall. Let me tell ya, I am NOT a morning person especially when that morning is the first day back to school. I got up and went for a quick shower and put on some jeans and a t-shirt, since I'm a dude there's no need to dry my golden brown hair, because once I step outside it will dry in five minutes.

When I got down stairs I grabbed an apple and leather jacket and headed out to my baby, my Porsche when I noticed the new girl next door walking out into her ford mondaio. I heard about her, her parents died in a car accident and she was there, in the car and watched them suffer until the ambulance came. How I know this? Because she moved in with her aunt next door to me, I remember when she first came, she was blonde. But then she decided to go Goth and put black highlights in her hair and only wear black clothes and listen to strange music that sounded like people screaming into a microphone. I watched her as she wanted up to her garage where her car was parked and hoped inside; she did a fancy and quick spin out of the tight garage space without a scratch left on the car and speed off down the road. That girl was some driver.

I arrived at school with another 15 minutes left to go before the bell so I walking up to the lads, there was Luke, Nate, Nick and Peter we are all on the football team and live in the same neighbourhood.

"Hey guys" I greeted the lads and was replied with a "yo" "hey" "whats up" and "hey man"

"So what did ya think of the before school party and Stacey had Saturday?" Luke asked with a raised eyebrow

Ugh... Stacey is one of the most popular girls in school and one of the best looking but she is also my ex-girlfriend. I dumped her because it wasn't a real relationship it was one of those therioy one where the quarter-back dates the head cheerleader. But Stacey is still trying to get me back she keeps flirting with me and telling me that I'm making a mistake but she won't listen, so I just ignore her as much as possible.

"Ya it was good besides the fact that she wouldn't leave me alone" I rolled my eyes to heaven while I said this.

"don't worry dude, she'll figure out that you won't take her back soon then she will leave you alone" Nate suggested but I knew that wasn't going to happen

because it has been 2 months since I broke up with her.

"Ya k, listen I got to go get my books, so I'll catch ye later k?"

"K sees ya"

"Bye dude"

"Later man"

"See ya"

When I arrived at my locker was when I saw Goth girl from next door, she was standing by her locker with I piece of paper which was properly the locker number and combination the receptionist gave her. She tried and tried to open the locker but it wouldn't. I chuckled at her flustration, so I decided to give her some help.

"Hey you ok there?"

"Ya but the stuiped locker won't open"

"Here let me try"

She handed me the piece of paper with the combination on it. When I entered the combination the not to my surprise the locker didn't open so I gave it a bash with the side of my fist and it opened straight away.

"There ya go"

"Thanks I should try that more often"

"Ya most of the lockers here are in shit so you will get used to it"


"My names Jason." You moved in next door to me."

"Oh so you where the dude who was watching my drive out this morning"

"Ya that was me" said with a chuckle"

"Well my names Gina"

"Nice to meet you Gina" I said with a hand shake and a smile which she returned.

I was about to ask her if she liked it here when the bell rang

"I guess I'll see you later then?"

"Ya...I'd like that...see ya"

I know short first chapter but I hope ye like it !!

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