Chapter 3:

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After a short but nerve-wracking drive, I pulled up in front of the bakery. I saw that it only led to a street, so I turned around and found a way to get to the back of the shop. I parked next to one of the bakery vans. I looked at the clock on my car radio and saw it was 7:42. I felt my hands start to shake on the steering wheel. I let myself sit for a minute before getting out and walking into the bakery.

When I opened the door, a small bell jingled from above. The scent of different kinds of bread and pastries filled my nose. I inhaled the scent before walking towards the main counter. I stood at the counter waiting for someone to come out. As I waited, I took the time to look around and see where I'll be working. I looked at all of the different foods and sweets.

"Welcome to W Mandeville Bakery, how may I help you?" A woman that must have been in her 60's said.

I looked up and walked back over to the counter. "Oh, I am starting a job here. I decided to show up a little early."

The woman at the counter smiled. "Ah, I see you like to make a good first impression.” I laughed lightly. She's onto me.

“You must be Hazel!. I'm Barbara by the way. I've worked at this bakery for quite some time now." She shook my hand. "Hold on one second and I will go get your uniform.” I nodded and went back to looking at the shop.

“Okay, here is a shirt and an apron. We need you to change fast because we have something special happening today!” I was confused by what she meant.

“What do you mean something 'special'?” I asked.

“Well, there is a camera crew coming to film from the bakery. We might be a little busy so we have to make sure everything is ready.” I was still slightly confused, but I nodded and went straight to the bathroom to change into my work uniform.

Once I came back out, I was motioned behind the counter. Barbara showed me everyone who worked in the shop, and what to do. After finishing the mini tour/tutorial, Barbara said she had to leave for a few.

“I promise I will be back by the time the camera crew gets here. If it gets busy you have the others to help you. See you in a few!” She grabbed her purse and walked out of the back door.

I turned back and waited for customers to come in. One lady came in and ordered a dozen cupcakes. Another girl came in with her dad and ordered a cookie. I actually liked working at this job. It was nice talking to the new people and helping them out. The best part I loved about it is seeing the people's faces light up when they get their order. It made my day.

Another girl who seemed about thirteen years old came in. “Hello, welcome to W Mandeville bakery how can I help you?” I greeted.

“Hi, can I get a loaf of bread please?”

“Sure, love. Can I get you anything else?” She shook her head.

“No, this is all. Thank you” I smiled at her and looked for one of the freshest loafs of bread we had. Once I found one, I brought it back to the register and packed it.

“So, are you new at the bakery? I haven't seen you here before.” The girl said as she handed me the money.

“Yeah, I just started here this morning. I love it here so far.” I put the money in the register and handed her the bread.

“Well that's good. I should probably get going. It was nice talking to you! I'll see you around!” She said before taking the bread and walking out.

I smiled as I watched her leave. I really hope I see that girl again because I would love to get to know her more. I continued watching out the door before a low raspy voice broke my thought.

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