Chapter 1:

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Quick Author's Note: This story was originally intended to be finished and witten before the One Direction movie came out, but I never finished it in time soo.. that is my fault, so play along.



"Get her out of here, I cant do this all over again" She said as she slammed the suitcase across the floor, probably making a scratch in the tile. I couldn't help but wince at the screeching sound. I crouched back even closer to the wall I found for comfort.

"Mum just calm down! What has gotten into you? What do you mean you cant do this all over again!?" I heard my brother, Daniel, yell from the room next to us. "Her! Hazel! I cant take another nine years parenting you three! Me and your father weren't even expecting her! Let alone expecting you two. We raised you and Connor for eighteen years and Hazel for nine! I'm done with this!”

Connor was my second brother. He was one year older than Daniel, who was eighteen.

"And who's fault was that?! You were the ones that clearly did the unmentionable to each other to have us!" If you don't want her, or us, we will be happy to leave!” Daniel screamed.

I was so petrified of the situation happening I barely had time to cry. The only thing that I could think of was what her next answer was going to be. I held my breath not only in anticipation, but also to hold back tears that I know would pour out soon.

"Sounds great to me! I can't believe I didn't think of that. I knew you were good for at least one reason. I cant wait to tell your father the news when he gets home. You kids better get packing." She said coldly.

I predicted it. Her answer was the one that just took my heart, and shattered it on the floor in a million pieces. Although I was finally able to breathe again, the first thing to come from that breath was a sob. After the sob, came the tears. Everything I was able to see around me became a blur. I sat in the corner of my room crying for what felt like hours even though it was only about two minutes tops before I was interrupted by footsteps walking in my room.

"Hazel come on, love. We are packing your stuff and getting out of here." Connor said while Trevor was still out there bickering with mum. I gave him a blank stare, still trying to cope with the situation.

"Connor, I-I don't want t-to leave. I w-wanna stay here as a f-family." I said in-between sobs.

Connor got down on his knees, bringing himself to my level on the floor. "Hazel I do too, but we cant. You, me and Daniel are going to go away for a while okay? We are going to give mum a break like she wants. We will leave here in a few so I want you to pack everything you want to take in the suitcase okay?"

I was still at a loss for words so I gave Connor a slight nod. He put his arm around my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Good, I am going to go get my things packed and when I am done, I will come back to see how you are doing." He kissed the top of my head before standing up and rushing out to his room.

I stood up and grabbed my suitcase that was thrown by my mum no more than fifteen minutes ago. I dragged it back into my room and started packing my belongings.

There wasn't very much for me to pack. I was only nine, so I didn't have much to my name. And even if most nine year olds did, my mum or dad never cared to buy me much. I packed all of my clothes, a few toys I have collected over time, and a picture I had of all of my family. I zipped up my suitcase and waited for Connor to come back for me.

Connor finally came in, grabbing my suitcase for me and rushed me downstairs to get ready to leave. "Oh, Hazel I am going to miss you the least" my mum said as she patted my head like I was some kind of pet to her. "Don't touch her" Daniel hissed. "Daniel, she is my daughter, I can do what I want with her" The moment she said that, she pulled my hair to move me away from her. Connor had enough of what she was doing to not only me, but them and picked me up, carrying me out of the house.


I was put into the backseat of the car.

"Hazel. Hazel!" All I heard was a voice screaming my name. My body wasn't allowing me to answer and all I did was stare blankly at the back of the passenger's seat. I looked up and saw Connor and Daniel turn around in unison as they looked at me, continuously saying my name "HAZEL!"

"Hazel! Come on! Wake up!" Wake up? I was awake wasn't I? "HAZEL!"

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