Chapter 7 : The 8 haters

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*Sehun goes back home happily*
*Sees his 8 hyungs sitting goes to them*

All : hello Sehun .
Sehun : I have news that will kill you all now .

Baekhyun : what news Sehunaa?
Kai : you will travel and don't come back again ?

Sehun : no
Chen : you will kill us ?
Sehun : no!!

Suho : guys let him speak .
Sehun : and Joy are dating from today .

Kai : what? How ? When? Where ?
*Sehun tells everything*

Chanyeol : congrats Sehun..!
Baekhyun : we..are jeal...I mean happy for you .

Sehun : why didn't you complete it hyung? Jealous? I know *laughs*
Lay : ok ok we know now that you are dating her now go sleep .

Sehun : ok hyung *laughs*
*Sehun goes to his room sleeps*

Kai : guys..let's make Joy hate him
Suho : wh..what? Hate him?

Kai : yes , so she won't love or date him again.
All : ok Kai

Chen : but what are we gonna do?
Kai : I have a plan .

"Next day"

*Joy goes to college sees Kai only*
Joy : good morning Kai? How are you now? I know you were sick .

Kai : I'm fine don't worry *smiles* btw Joy , congratulations.
Joy : fo..for what?

Kai : you and Sehun are dating .
Joy : ah..eeh yes..thanks , btw where's Sehun ?

Kai : he didn't come today.
Joy : o..oh is he tired or something?

Kai : no no , he just didn't wanna go to college today .
Joy : hmm..ok

"After college"

Kai : Joy let me go home with you .
Joy : oh ok *smiles*

Kai : actually I want to tell you something to be a warning from now.
Joy : warning? What do you mean?

Kai : Sehun dated a girl before..after 1 year of dating he cheated on her with other girl and when she knew it he beated her and cursed on her and in the end he told her that he dated her just to find something interesting in his life .
*Joy gets shocked and stays silent*

Kai : are you okay Joy ?
Joy : yeah..thanks for the warning .

Kai : no problem , oh we are near to your house .
Joy : good because I have a strong heada...*faints*

To be continued...

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