Ghost Zone

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Danny's P.O.V

The green and black swirls of the Ghost zone surrounded the white, black and green bus. Kids heads where looking all directions trying to capture every scene around the bus. Tucker, Sam, Jazz and I were kinda bored but we pretended to be interested.

'I see everyone's enjoying the scenery'

Oh did I forget to mention Phantom? Well ever since we separated Phantom was unable to feel anything... by that I mean emotions so we ended up re-joining and sharing the same body again but a side effect happened making my ghost half have a mind of his own. So basically, there are 2 spirits in 1 body. We can separate but it makes both of us weak, we are able to be apart for the minimum of 6 hours maybe 7 but that's it and we'll both be to weak to do anything. Oh so things don't get confusing I'm Danny he's Phantom.

'yeah they're enjoying the scenery of your future kingdom'

'our future kingdom Danny. Remember we both defeated Pariah so we both rule"



I looked at Jazz.

''mm'' I replied realising I zoned out

''you okay?'' she asked

''yeah sorry talking to Phantom'' I whispered the last part

I looked out the window to the kingdom I'm about to rule soon.

'DANNY!' I heard phantom yell in my head

'What's wrong?' I asked in my head

'we are really close to Walker's lair you need to tell Maddie and Jack to turn around and take another route'

''shoot'' I mumbled not realising I said that out loud

''what's wrong'' Tucker asked

''we are really close to Walker's lair''

''WHAT?!'' they yelled/whispered

''yeah, we need to turn around and fast''

''I'm on it'' Jazz said standing and walking to the front

God I hope we don't get attacked.


Maddie's POV

This was the place that Phantom told me so much about and if I ever got stuck in the ghost zone to never go to. 

'what is he hiding? is there something he doesn't want me to see? or is it something he doesn't want me to know? is he evil and this place proves? he hasn't been seen in half a year is this where he is?'

symbols started to appear in the green and black swirls as the bus got closer...

'wait that symbol.... he showed me that symbol... wasn't that a evil ghost symbol...SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT!!'

at least two dozen ghost in some sort of armor came flying out of the castle in front of us pointing some sort of guns at us. I hear a few screams from behind me and quickly turned the bus around, panicking and slightly cursing myself for being so stupid. 

'Of course the place belongs to a bad ghost and of course that's why Phantom told me not to go there. ugh stupid.'

something suddenly crashed into the bus 

''Jack take the wheel'' i yelled at my handsome. 

he didn't hesitate and instantly took the wheel as i got out of the drivers seat and grabbed a gun but never got a chance to fire as something even bigger hit the bus causing it start falling.

'shoot!! damn it stupid curiosity!!!' 

just before we reached the ground we had stopped then dropped into an old abandoned ghost warehouse's roof making a bits and pieces of rubble and wood and metal fly everywhere. A piece of metal hit me in the back of the head making me crash to the ground. The last thing i heard was some one scream ''DANNY!" then it all turned black.


(A/N) wow that was long and yes i did my first cliff hanger. By the way call me Shu

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