When you become friends

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Ichigo Kurosaki
You ran around early morning during the beginning of the weekend. You were out on a jog around town before it became a crowded mess. Although you did see quite a lot of ghosts that weren't there before, but there was only one person you could blame. Ichigo, the weird man that kidnapped you three weeks before. Although the good part about seeing ghosts is that you saw your little sister again! You were saddened by the fact she wasn't at peace yet, but that least you could talk to her a while longer before she is at peace. You stopped running when you saw the carrot topped kidnapper of yours jogging around as well. He seemed to notice you staring and stopped to wave.

"Hello! It's nice to see you again!" He hollers from across the street.
You smile and wave back, "It's nice to see that you aren't kidnapping anymore girls!"
"H--WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He angrily shouts back.
"Shut up! It's still early for all this shouting!" You deadpanned
You could hear him growling at you before he ran across the street to you, "I didn't kidnap you."
"You so did."
"Let's not have this conversation." He sighs, "by the way, I never got your name."
"Names Y/n L/n."
"Ichigo Kurosaki, nice to properly meet you." He replied back. "Wanna jog together?"
"Well... I guess, but try not--"
He glared at you, "Im not interested in kidnapping you."
"I wasn't gonna say that, but thanks for confirming." You rolled you eyes. "I was gonna say, try not tripping over your own feet."
"For your information I know how to run and jog." He stated with a smart alec tone.
"By how your form looks, ugh. You looked like you were in pain!"
He rolls his eyes, "Whatever. Let's just get going."
"Okaaaay, fine."

Renji Abari
You silently meditated after two hours of sparing with some other squad six members. You were sitting alone in the sparing room, just thinking. You were so caught up in meditating you didn't hear a couple of others walk into the room.

"Psst... You aren't sleeping are you?" A somewhat feminine voice startled you.
"Eek!" You leaped up and subconsciously tried doing a roundhouse, only to be stopped. You blinked. "Ah! I'm sorry!"
It was Yumichika, squad eleven's fourth seat. "Well you should be! You almost hit my beautiful face!"
You gulped nervously. "Weeeell, I should get going..."
"Wait, why don't you train with us for a while?" Ikkaku, squad eleven's third seat, smirked. "I heard from the other members of squad six that you were hard to beat."
Renji stepped in, "But that was two hours ago, I'm pretty sure she needs rest."
"Rest before she spars with me? I think she got enough from that mediation!" Ikkaku argued back.
"I can spar. I've rested enough." You shrugged.
"See? I told ya so." Ikkaku ripped off his top and grabbed a bamboo sword as he got into his stance.
Yumichika went to join Renji in the corner, that was until Renji interrupted. "Actually, I think I want to spar with her first."
"What?! No way I called it first!" Ikkaku roared.
Renji glared at the bald headed man, "Well she is in my squad and I would like to see if she's strong enough to take me on."
"That has nothing to do with it!" Ikkaku whined.
Yumichika smirked, "Maybe Renji here has a crush on the girl."
"HEY, I DO NOT!" Renji's face flared with heat. "Now shut up and let me spar with her!"
Ikkaku groaned, "Fine!"
Yumichika then dragged Ikkaku outside, "We might as well leave you two love birds alone, huh?"
Both you and Renji blushed, "WE AREN'T DATING!"

After they both had left Renji got into his stance. You were in yours the entire time. It was quiet. Renji's eyes stared down at you, like he was expecting a lot from you. He made the first move. With a quick flash he rose his sword above his head and slashed right back down. You swiftly brung your sword up and blocked his with ease. Your e/c eyes widened as they looked for an opening. None. There were none. So you had to make an opening yourself. You ducked and moved out if the way, using your foot to smack the back of Renji's knee. He grunted with surprise as he falls onto his knee, but also managing not to fully fall over. You stood up and rose your sword above your head, but then immediately swung down to give Renji a smack in the shoulder. Not to your surprise, Renji manages to block your sword by using his hand! He yanked your sword out from your hands and tossed it aside. Then he leaped into the air and smacked you on your forehead.

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