7. My Party

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Jesse's POV.

I watched my door open to reveal my friends, and then it started to get packed. The very last people to arrive were Jasmine, Shelby, Alexis, Hazey, and Kiley.

They were so beautiful, especially Jaz. Her short dress that hung to her knees, brings me to mine. I love her. I am completely and hopelessly in love with her.

Will she like me back? Will she hate me? What will happen between us? I wonder if we would become a thing in a few years. I hope so...

"Jess, where is the food place thingy?" Jaydian asked.

"Right there." I pointed to the far left corner where my mother set up a stand with many different types of snacks.

"You okay?" Dalton looked at me with concerned eyes.

"I'll be fine," I answered, nodding.

"You sure?" He raised a brow, daring me to lie again. I sighed.

"Positive." I took a quick glance at Jazzy, before turning around and heading in the direction of my mother.

"You all right, Bubby?" my mom questioned. I nodded quickly.

"I'm perfectly fine."

They can tell I'm lying. That's just how well they know me. Let's just hope that they don't dig into the matter and make it far worse than it should be.

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