Chapter 3

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Years Ago In The Wish Realm

Hook had just abandoned his deal with Regina in favor of handing his ship over to Smee so he could take care of Alice, but thankfully, Smee held to the pirates code and decided to keep the deal he put in place to take her to safety from the retribution of the Charmings. Regina had other plans however, the destination she had in mind wasn't exactly what Smee thought. She fully planned on having the Jolly Roger take her to Neverland. She had heard stories of the vast amount of magic there and knew if any place could help her find a way to get her magic back, it was there, she also knew, given the history this crew had with Neverland, they wouldn't exactly be jumping at the chance to go back.

Stepping aboard with her newly purchased pirate garb, she knew she had to play along for a few hours. Smee led her to her sleeping quarters below deck where she waited for her chance.

When night fell, Regina crept top side, careful not to wake the sleeping crew. She snuck up on the lone crew member at the helm and knocked him unconscious with the brunt of his own sword that he'd carelessly left off to the side. She walked to the bow of the ship and pulled out a magic bean she'd been holing into for a rainy day. She smiled inwardly at herself and then chucked it out into the sea infront of her. As she turned to go back to the helm to steer the ship into the portal, the pirate she'd hit was getting up, her eyes grew wide as he rushed her. They struggled as she tried to break free of his grip. He backed her up against the edge and pushed her right over. She fell through the portal without the ship or the crew she'd planned on taking.

Some time later, she woke, face down, in the middle of the jungle. She sat up slowly, hand on her head, and surveyed her surroundings. There was only one thing she was sure of. She was undeniably screwed.

A Lot Less Years Ago In The Wish Realm |
AKA Where This Whole Mess Started

The Split Queen wished Emma were never the Savior and she'd woken up the next morning inside her doppelgangers body, with no memory of her own life.

It wasn't until the moment wish Henry had nearly killed Regina that her own consciousness broke through and took control to save her. The other Emma, who was still in there, struggled to take her body back. All the while, Emma remained unaware. So, she attempted to go home with Regina.

When they finally stepped through the tree portal, it's magic tore Emma back apart, but left her still magically tethered to her other self. Unfortunately, the split wasn't clean due to the messy, unpredictable wish magic that was still in her. Wish Emma landed in Storybrooke, oddly still with Emma's memories, and her magic...and Emma...she fell into Neverland...right at Wish Regina's feet. No magic, but luckily still with her own mind...and her own clothes.

Regina, surrounded by lost boys, and dressed like one too, pulled a bow and arrow on the blond who now lay face down at her feet.

"Who are you and where did you come from?" She asked as Emma started to rise. Emma didn't have to turn to recognize the voice she heard. She cocked her head to the side in confusion before turning, no, it couldn't be.

"Regina?" She asked as she faced her, still on the ground.

"How do you know my name?" Regina asked.

"I uhh..." she paused and quickly tried to correct her mistake. This clearly was not her Regina. "Well, everyone knows who the Evil Queen is."

"That was a long time ago blondie, I doubt everyone in the kingdom still knows my face. Who are you really?" Regina asked, keeping her arrow taught and aimed.

"Not long enough I'd wager. They still have your face on wanted posters." Emma said, knowing that after her Regina crushed her wish parents hearts, it wouldn't be long before that statement was true. She lowered her bow a bit.

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