Chapter 12

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Author's Note:
I know I usually do two chapters present and one past as a pattern but I felt like the last one ended off in a weird place not to continue. Also, the beginning of this chapter starts off a little strange but stick with me and you won't be disappointed.


Pain. That was the only thing that registered in Regina's mind as she slowly came to, her face in the ground. Her eyes flickered a few times as she turned her head and opened them. She struggled to push herself up off the ground, but only managed to sit up. She was in a dark place. She could see nothing but black.

"Emma!" She cried. "Emma!" It's not as though she could answer even if she was there, and she was sure she wasn't. Wherever here was anyway. There was a small gust of wind and a feather floated in on it and fell in front of her. She looked at it quizzically.

"Hello Regina." She heard from the darkness. She looked up as someone began to materialize in front of her. She squinted.

"Robin?" she asked.

"It's me Regina." he confirmed.

"What are you doing here? Where is here... where's Emma?" she asked.

"She's not here, but then again... neither are you." he said.

"I don't understand." she said.

"I'm here to help." he told her.

"Help? Why? I don't deserve your help. You're dead because of me...and I didn't even..." she trailed off.

"You didn't love me." he finished.

"No. No. I did.... I just..." she tried again.

"Loved her more...? Regina, it's okay." he added. She nodded.

"I'm so sorry. If I'd only been honest with myself, you'd be alive right now." she said.

"But you wouldn't be." he said.

"Maybe that's what I deserve. I got you killed and now Emma...It should have been me. It would have made everyone's lives easier." she explained.

"Regina, none of this is your fault. If I had known then, I would have still saved you." he said.

"But why?" she wondered.

"Because the realms need you, more than you even know? I did what was required, and now so must you..." he said.

"And what's that?" she asked.

"You need to wake up." he said.


"Emma needs you. Wake up...Wake up!" he kept repeating it as his voice got more distant and it became even darker. She passed out and her eyes sprung back open, and when they did she was outside.

The dust was still settling around her and she could see the cave not too far away, but far enough not to have fallen on her. She couldn't move. Her head was spinning and her ears were ringing.

"You have to get up Regina." she could still hear Robin's voice. "Get up!"

She struggled to lift her head and look around. She spotted Emma a couple of yards away.

"Emma." she whispered. She was relieved at first, knowing she'd gotten her out before the explosion until she realized she was banged up pretty badly. She needed to get to her. She needed to wake her or she wouldn't make it. She used all of her strength to roll over and crawl to Emma. She sat as best she could and leaned over Emma, looking down at her when she heard a noise from behind her. It was the Evil Queen limping toward her, torn up from the blast. She raised her hand to cast a spell, but Regina beat her to it. She waived her hand and The Evil Queen shrunk down and a small snow globe was left sitting on the ground.

"A little something I learned from your Rumple." she said. She turned back to Emma. She tentatively put a hand on her cheek, fearing it would be the only chance she would ever have.

"Please." she said simply. "Please wake up."

She squeezed her eyes tight for a second and took a deep breath. She leaned in painfully slow, unable to will herself to go in at a normal pace. She hovered a hairs width above Emma's face for a moment before placing a feather light kiss on her lips. When nothing happened immediately, her heart stopped and she took a sharp breath in. It hadn't hadn't...but then the brightest most colorful rainbow she'd ever seen burst out sweeping through the forest. As she looked up at it she could see it was nothing like she'd ever experienced before. She stared after it in awe as it disappeared into the distance.


Back at the castle the others had continued to fight through the pain of believing both Emma and Regina had perished, but they all paused as the rainbow gust swept passed their faces. Henry whipped around to face Snow.

"Grandma they did it!" He bellowed. "They made it!" She smiled and nodded back and they continued to fight with new found drive.


As Regina continued to stare off into the distance, she didn't notice Emma slowly waking beneath her.

"Regina?" she said as her eyes blinked open. She looked down, almost unable to process what was happening.

"Emma." she breathed out, but was unable to say anything else.

"Is it you...I, you...not wish you or split you, or evil you, or past you..."Emma started to ramble. Regina started shaking her head and followed it with a breathy laugh.

"Miss Swan..." she said softly with a smile.

"It's you." Emma said in answer to her own question. She looked into her eyes, still trying to get her bearings. She was about to say something when she spotted the blood on Regina's clothes. "Oh my God, are you okay?!" she said reaching a hand toward the spot. Regina pulled back before her hand made contact.

"It's okay. Look. healed." Regina said, confused, as she pulled back the fabric where the knife had cut her to reveal the smooth unharmed skin beneath it. Emma breathed a sigh of relief, and then furrowed her brow as she got a better look at her.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Emma asked.

"Zelena..." Regina began, Emma cut her off with a nod.

"Got it." Emma understood. Regina smiled. She smiled back, but then gave her a questioning look. Regina shook her head.

"Oh, sorry." she said as she realized Emma was still on the ground. She moved off her so she could sit up.

"It's okay, I..." Emma trailed off as she stared into Regina's eyes. Their faces inched closer, the gravity guiding them toward each other.  They were so close they could feel the heat off each other's skin. Regina's mind couldn't form thought and her heart was beating a mile a minute. Just as she could feel Emma's eyelashes flutter against her own there was a loud rumble coming from the direction of the castle and they sprang apart.

"What the hell was that?" Emma asked.

"Trouble." Regina said as she stood up. "We have to get back now." she held out her hand to Emma.

"Back where? What's going on?" Emma asked as she took Regina's hand to get up.

"Why don't you ask her?" Regina said as she picked up the snow globe. There was another large rumble. "On second thought, there's no time. We have to go now." Regina said and rushed to her horse that was still waiting for her. She got on and held out her hand to Emma. Emma stared for a second.

"What?" Regina wondered.

"Nothing." Emma replied with a smirk and took her hand, getting up on the horse behind her.

"Hold on tight." Regina said.

"Not a problem." Emma said, and they took off in the direction of the castle.

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