Getting her back

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I was currently on my phone tracking serenity. I finally got her location and ran to find Jonah because I need someone who is strong.
Me: Jonah!
Jonah: in here...
I went down the hall to Serenity and Chrislynn's room where Jonah was.
Me: I have their location.
Jonah: ok let's go.
We left the house and finally saw serenity talking to Kylee.
Me: Get the chloroform she won't go down without a fight.
Jonah: ok I'll get Kylee.
Jonah: So is serenity . That's why you're taking her so I don't get hurt.
Me: Well I hope I don't get hurt.


Kylee: Serenity?
Me: Yeah?
Kylee: where are we?
Me: Far away from that hell of a place.
Kylee: Thanks.
Me: No problem. Those boys are assholes.
Kylee: I can tell.
We both laughed
Kylee: Can I ask you something?
Me: Yeah.
Kylee: If you say they're assholes then why were you out with one.
Me: He asked me to give him a chance so I did and it was going amazing. Until jack called me when you were having a panic attack. I came home and I was beyond pissed. I mean I accepted the fact that I was kidnapped, but I drew the line when they kidnapped you. I mean they took you from your family. So I got you and ran out the door.
Kylee: you left your friends?
Me: They knew jack was going to take you.
Kylee: oh.
We got to know each other and immediately clicked. We were best friends. Then two people stepped in front of us. Jonah and Daniel.
Me: What are you two fuckers doing here?
Kylee giggled a little.
Daniel: Come home please.
Me: In your dreams Seavey.
Daniel: Please don't make me force you.
Daniel and Jonah pulled out rags and put a drug on it , before they could put it over our mouths I slapped the rags out of their hands and told Kylee to run. She took off then a full fight broke out. I kicked Daniel and when he went in for a punch , I caught his hand and pulled him over my back. I turned around , kicked and punched Jonah , then all of a sudden I feel a pinch on my arm. I look over and see a needle in my arm. I saw Kylee knocked out in Jonah's arm. A tear escaped my eye. Then everything went black.

Sorry it's so short just thought it was a good cliffhanger.

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