Another girl?!?

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Me: Need my help with what?
Jack: Just come home quick!
Me: Jack I'm on a date with Daniel.
Jack: This is more important please just come home.
And with that he hung up.
Me: We have to go home Daniel.
Daniel: What! Why?
Me: Jack needs me for God knows what.
We went home and as soon as I walk in the door I hear a girl screaming and crying.
Me: What the hell Jack?!?!
Jack: I'm sorry just calm her down and I'll explain later.
Me: Oh you all besides Daniel have some explaining to do.
I looked at all the boys and they had fear plastered all over their faces.
I returned to the terrified girl and did the same thing I do for Chrislynn. I took her in my embrace and sang her the same song I use for Chrislynn.
She calmed down within 5 minutes.
Me: So what's your name. I asked still rocking her back and forth.
??: K-Kylee
Me: Ok my name is serenity and everything  is going to be ok.
Within minutes of me saying that she fell asleep. I laid her back on the couch and went straight to Avery himself.
I went into his room where him and Daniel where talking. I went in and slammed the door behind me. It grabbed both of their attention real quick.
Me: What the actual fuck Jack!!
Daniel: Serenity calm down.
Me: No I'm not going to calm down. You kidnapped another girl Jack! I thought you guys were done with this.
Jack: I'm sorry I couldn't help it.
Me: That's bullshit Jack. Did you ever think about starting an actual conversation with her maybe she would have liked you! Now I'm not so sure!
Daniel: Serenity please calm down.
Me: Did you know about all this?!
Daniel: ......
Me: I cant believe you guys!
I stormed out of the room and went straight into my room where Chrislynn was laying down. I slammed the door and locked it.
Chrislynn:What the fuck?
Me: Did you know?
Chrislynn: What?
Me: Did you know that they kidnapped another girl.
Chrislynn: Serenity...
Chrislynn: Calm do..
Me: If you tell me to calm down I swear I'll knock the living hell out of you.
Chrislynn: I'm sorry.
Me: And katie ?
Chrislynn: She knew too.
Me: Fuck you guys.
Chrislynn: I'm sorry serenity.
Me: Bullshit! It's Bullshit chrislynn.
I stormed out of the room and ran out the door to the living room before running into Jonah.
Jonah: Hey whats wrong.
Me: Move out of my way.
Jonah: Not till you talk to me.
Me: I said move.
I then pushed Jonah out of my way and grabbed Kylee bridal style and stormed out of the door. The boys were running after me , but even with me carrying Kylee plus my adrenaline going they weren't fast enough to catch me. I made it all the way to a park in the middle of LA. I sat down with Kylee and waited till she woke up.

Kylee: Serenity.....

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