Rising Steam

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It was finally going their way again. The trio stood in the middle of the empty street, prepared to fight to the death.

"So far so good. How close is it?" Sparrow asked Ace anxiously.

"Very close. We'll see it shortly," Ace answered as he stared down the street.

"Are you sure you can hold it in place even after it's gotten stronger? You had to fight to keep it still last time," Angel asked with concern. Ace stated ahead with hard eyes.

"Last time I didn't tap into my Hunter strength. This time I will. Speaking of, here it comes now," Ace replied, his voice incredibly calm. Sparrow loudly cracked her knuckles, drawing an odd glance from Ace and a smile from Angel.

"Let's get to beating this thing to a pulp," Sparrow said as she beat her fists together, white fire running up her entire arms. What was supposed to be the Hunter was entirely different from before, the hulking monster stomping down the street towards them rather slowly. It had dull dark grey skin and a snakelike jaw. Its hungry yellow eyes were the only same thing. It had massive arms with claws rather than hands and thick legs ready to send it springing into the air, clawed feet scraping the cement like a blade being dragged across the ground. Curved fangs hung out of its mouth menacingly as it growled at them.

"Get ready," Ace warned, tensing up. His partners did the same, waiting to see what it would do. The Hunter stopped walking and eyed them all. It growled again, this time in a low, dark tone.

"Now would be a good time to change into Hunter mode, before it jumps at us," Sparrow stated, glancing at Ace. She began to stare worriedly. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, and his hands shook. "Ace? What's wrong?" He shook his head slightly.

"I-I can't. I can't. It wants out," he said softly, his eyes staring off into the distance. "I'm sorry."

"Now's not the time to freeze up! We need all we can muster to beat this thing!" Sparrow exclaimed.

"Eyes on the target!" Angel warned. "It's coming in fast!" Sparrow returned her attention to the Hunter. It was running at them now, eager for the kill.

"Incoming! Ace! Now's a good time to snap out of it! At the least you can use your 'normal' strength!" Sparrow shouted, preparing to roll out of its way. It was getting close. Angel began firing rapidly with the gun attached to her blade. The Hunter roared in irritation. "Looks like we're gonna need something a little more painful. You got your portable laser cannon still?" Angel nodded. She put up her blade and gun before pulling out what seemed like random metal pieces from sleeves, pockets, and in her boots. Taking the small pieces together, she quickly began putting them together. "Hurry!" As Sparrow spoke the Hunter leaped high into the air.

"I need more time!" Angel shouted, the pieces only half resembling a strange version of a long rifle in her hands. The Hunter came crashing down, landing right in front of Sparrow. She fell over from its landing's impact, Ace not budging from his spot at all. The Hunter gave Ace an ugly grin, drool and other things dripping from its maw. Sparrow rose to her feet with war written all over her face.

"I'll give you more time," she muttered, her gauntlets humming eagerly. She started forward and ducked under a somewhat clumsy swing from the Hunter's right arm. She jabbed under its arm in the armpit and drew a howl from it. It swung back angrily, but she rolled under the attack and went passed the Hunter. The Hunter turned and swiftly jabbed, showing great control and balance, contradicting its first strike. Sparrow was already changing direction and managed to avoid the narrow attack.

"We need your help, Ace! Now!" Sparrow shouted. She rolled to her feet and found herself standing between Ace and the Hunter. Its eyes burned with yellow fury. Sparrow simply returned the stare with no fear, no doubt. "You're not touching him."

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