"See ya guys next week and Make sure to follow mine and Y/n soical medias! Love you!" Matt yelled into the camra and then blew a kiss. I waved while smiling. He covered the camra and turned it off. We just finished fliming the pickle challenge and he lost. He had to get his legs waxed. But I've done it before so I did it to just so he and ldn't feel lonely. It didn't hurt that bad but Matt freaked out. "So what do you wanna do now?" Matt asks pulling me out of my thoughts. "I don't know I'm hungry." I say shrugging. "Lets go get some cotton candy!" he yells and I giggle. He already is up putting his shoes on. "Yay!" I yell and grab my shoes and put on my Jacket. We get into the eleavtor and get out of the hotel. We go across the street to the gas statsion. Right before we get inside I feel a rain drop on my nose. Great I hate rain. We get all the junk food and drinks and Matt instits on paying. "Thanks so much. You really didn't have to pay" I thank Matt as we leave. "Can I uh tell you something?" I add nervously. He nods. "Well I uh kinda have feelings for you. No uh scratch that. I think I love you," I say and look down. He stops and looks at me. By now it's full force raining. He drops the bags he carrying and wraps his hands around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. He softy plants his lips on mine and kisses me softy. We kid for a good five or ten minutes. "I love you to." matt says when we pull back. I smile and hug him once more before returning to the hotel hand in hand.
I love the rain. Can cross getting kissed in the rain of my list.