This Guy

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~Month later~

So apparently Camille has me stuck in this damn house, she took my phone and my headphones cause i snuck out and went to bria's Birthday party and came home high and drunk as fuck, i told her i was going and she ain't believe me, So here i am laying on my bed bored,

"O MY GOOOOOOOOOD" I yelled "You only did this to yourself" Camille called out i smacked my lips and i sighed. I got up and walked downstairs

"Im sooooo boreeed" i said "who fault is that" camille said on her laptop doing something "yours" i said jumping on the couch "camille its a fucking Saturdaaaaay" i said "i know what today is" camille said "you just love torching me" i said turning on the T.v. "yes i do" she said

i sighed there was a knock at the door "you should get that" i said she looked at me "Angel" she said "o my gooood why i gotta do everything" i said getting up and answering the door, i open the door and it was a very buff man he was cute but he looked like Camille's age and he was wearing a military outfit....shit what i do?...i ain't do shit i been in this house, is camille making me go to boot camp, "Ay I'm looking for Camille" he said,Thank god "Nope im sorry she dont-"

"O my god!!! I missed you!!" camille said hugging him and letting him in "i guess she do live here" i said walking back to my lovely spot on the couch "Angel this is Antwan" she said he sat down in a chair "and he is...." i said "My Boyfriend" she said kissing him "yo what?!?" i said jumping up "hold up hold up hold up hold up hold. the. hell. up" i said "this nigga-"

He cleared his throat, i dont why maybe he dont like being called a nigga ok then let me start over, "This guy been your Boyfriend for how long" i asked "A year" she said sitting on his lap"And you didn't tell me" i said "well you never asked so i figured you didn't care and probably still don't" she said "You know me so well" i sighed out shaking my head dude laughed o I'm funny

"when did you get back" she asked him "last week and i wanted to surprise you" he said she smiled and kissed him this is so weird "i want to take you out tonight for dinner" he said "i cant, i gotta watch her" she said pointing at me

"don't do that, i can take care of myself thank you" i said she looked at me "when i don't have weed and a bottle of vodka" i added

"which is why i gotta watch you" she said "O Angel can come too" he said gettin up "you sure?" she asked "its not like I'm burn the restaurant down" i said "yea it will be fun" he said pecking her lips his phone buzz, he looked at it "i gotta go" he said

Camille nodded "nice meeting you Angel" he said putting his hand out, "you too Wan" i said changing the channel "gave me a nickname" he asked "yaaap" i said he laughed and walked towards the door, camille followed him, i heard the door close and

Camille sighed with a smile on her face and got back on her computer "what time i got to get ready?" i asked "at 7" she said "where we goin?" i asked "Angel for real?" she asked

"This is what happens when you take my phone away from me" i said laying on my back "and that what happens when you don't listen and come home drunk" she said her come backs are getting better,

"how long I'm grounded?" I asked "how long i want you to be" she said i groaned, it was silence

"camille" i called out "yea" she said "what are you doing?" i asked "paying bills" she said "o well that sounds like fun" i said "yea pretty soon you gon be payin your own" she said closing her laptop "then i can do whatever the fuck i want" i said "yep lets see where that takes you" she said getting up and going upstairs, i sighed

~Few Hours later~

"Angel lets go!" camille called up "Hold on" i said putting on my shirt, i had on a white long sleeve crop top that stopped under my chest with black skinny jeans and put on some white Jordan 12's, i put on a snapback that said 'the kill' on it and Jayce's Chain of course.

I walked downstairs, i looked at camille was wearing a a black dress and heels with her hair curled up on side "well damn let me go change" i said

"no come on Antwan is already outside" she said grabbing her purse, we walked out and Antwan open the door for us, he was in a nice suit, why nobody ain't tell me to get all Fancy,

"you look beautiful tonight" he said looking at camille "Thank you, you know i decide to with my hair down and the snapback was hard to choose but you know i try" i said from the backseat, he laughed "your welcome, you look beautiful too camille" he said "thank you" she said kissing his cheek,

why do i have to go on this stupid date, i could be with Jayce right now, i miss my boo haven't seen him since bria's birthday "Can i go to Jayce's house?" i asked laying in the back

"No" she said "whyyyyyy" i wined like a lil kid "cause for all i know he might take you another party" she said i groaned how she gon keep me away from my bae "where are we going?" i asked "dinner" he said this is so lame and I'm the third wheel.

we pulled up to 'Red lobsters' "Ooo yaaasss cheddar biscuits" i said getting out the car "i made reservations so we don't have to wait" Antwan said holding camille at his arm, we walked and sat at our table.

"So how did y'all meet?" i asked "high school" he said "and y'all just started dating last year?" i asked "yes" camille said "why?" i asked "cause after high school we didn't see each other anymore cause we where so busy and we where only best friends" Antwan said

"so how did y'all meet up?" i asked "well one job i work at is Footlocker" camille said that explains my shoes "And we saw each other,i asked her out and here we are" he said the waiter came and took our orders to drink and to eat.

"So what made you go in the army?" i asked "i was in the streets and i realized that living in the streets will get me no where" he said camille looked at me, i think army is cool though i never thought about going cause i ain't got the power to kill nobody, i mean what i look like?....I don't know maybe i will "i hear you" i said "so are you staying with us or like what?" i asked "yea im off all the way till the end of winter break" he said thats a long time its only September,

"Your Turn, camille told me she adopted you" he said "yea, i was juve and she bailed me out" i said sipping my drink "o so you was a trouble maker?" he asked "yea i guess you can say that" i said

"why were you there?" he asked "well when you try to rob a store with your boyfriend with no gas in the car, you get put in there" i said him and camille laughed "woooow" he said "could at least planned all out first" camille said "yea stupid fucking mistake by a dumb ass" i said "whoa your language" He said

i sighed "sorry" i said "why where yall robing a bank?" camille asked "i don't know we just need some money and i was living with him and i wanted my own place" i said "so you rob a bank?" Antwan asked it sounds pretty stupid now that i think about it, could just got a damn job instead of getting a police record, I'm so stupid i guess Dominic talked me into it "yes i did" i said

The waiter came and gave us our food and we started eating "so where is your boyfriend now?" he asked "He is an Ex now" i said "o ok" he said, Dude is real cool and kinda like camille which why they are probably dating "what grade you in?" he asked "11th" i said "what do you want to do for collage?" he asked "i don't know never really thought bout i honestly don't even want to go" i said

"do you want a nice cars and houses and money?" he asked "yea" i said "if you go to collage you will get a job to get you those things" he said "i dont even know what i want to do" i said "what you good at?" He asked "you draw good" Camille said "O you like Art?" he asked "Yea i guess its cool" i said "cool me too i could show you my art sometime" he said "ok cool" i said

This guy i feel him as my consular, he listens to me not saying camille doesn't but its that he is just cool and respects me for me. we finished eating and drove back home.

"You wanna watch a movie with us?" camille asked "nah y'all can be alone" i said walking upstairs, i went into my barthroom and took a shower and put on basketball shorts and a black tank top,

i walked out and grabbed my sketch book and grabbed a mechanical pencil and sat against my head board. I flip threw my previous drawings till i got a fresh page, i began drawing a girl thats turning her back against the streets...that represents me.

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