My Boyfriends' Brother Chapter 3 Cont.

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Finally uploading D: I know It’s been forever and a day haha (: I had this written a long ass time ago but I was to lazy to type it up lolol sorry (:

Chapter 3

“Now the hard part.” Roman says as he shoves a family size bag of doritos into our already full shopping cart. It teeters precariously on the top of a myriad of other junk foods. Frozen pizzas, assorted pastries, gallons of ice cream, crates of soda all stacked into a silver walmart cart. “Getting the booze.”

“What do we need booze for?” I ask him innocently.

“The party… duh.” He says as if this was the plan all along.

“Umm you never mentioned a party!” I wail tugging on my hair.

“What did you think I was buying all of this shit for?” He says as if I’m the stupid one.

“I thought we were just stocking up on food for the house!” I defend myself indignantly.

He scoffs, “Oh little Anastasia, so naïve.” He pats my head like I’m a small innocent puppy as I frown and cross my arms resentfully.

“I am not!” I argue wagging my pointer finger at him accusingly. He doesn’t reply just pushes the cart forward to the next aisle over where the alcoholic beverages are kept.  As we walk it dawns on me the full implications of what he’s doing. Throwing a house party without parental consent. Sure I’ve been to plenty of parties before, but I’ve never hosted one. There’s quite a difference.

“Roman do you realize that it’s your second night here and you’re already throwing a party?” I say. The question is rhetorical but he replies anyways.

“Yes. I do.” He says strutting ahead of me. You can practically feel his cockiness emanating off of him. We reach the beer and I feel as if I’m a secret agent. Buying beer illegally. I am such a badass. “So what’s the plan stan?” I whisper to him.

He cringes. “There isn’t one.” A pause, “And don’t ever say that again you sound like my grandmother.” He gives a shudder. Then he just grabs a couple of crates of beer and sticks them in the shopping cart nonchalantly.  His muscles flex gorgeously as he does this causing my stomach to lurch. What the hell is wrong with me? He’s attractive sure. But I’m not the boy crazy type.

“Like what you see?” He says and gives a complacent smile.

“No.” I reply firmly. “I have a boyfriend.” But it doesn’t seem like I’m reminding him, it almost seems like I’m reminding myself.

“Oh well that sucks. Because I was just checking you out.” He says and gives a broad smile. He laughs at the expression of horror on my face.

“Just kidding,” he quickly intercepts before I can say anything. “You’re not exactly my type.”

“And what exactly is your type?” I challenge boldly. Feeling a newfound sense of courage.

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re hot and all, just too… inexperienced.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I Cry.

“Just that… I don’t really do girls who have only had sex once.”

“How would you know that?” I growl. Bastard.

“Oh I just know.” He says giving me a once over. I shiver feeling a little creeped out.  “I don’t date goody two shoes.”

“I am no-“

“Yes you are.” He interrupts smoothly.

“Am not! And it’s rude to interrupt.” He rolls his eyes.

“Aww sorry princess!” He says with mock innocence. ”I’ll make it up to you at the party tonight.” He gives a sly wink. I gape at him. The nerve of this guy.

“I would never no matter how drunk I was.” I declare solemnly.

“We’ll see you probably won’t even have to be drunk.” Arrogant son of a bitch.

I smack his arm rather hardly.  He’s laughing now. “I like it rough.” More raucous laughter. I slug him. Hard on his shoulder. “Alright! Alright! I’ll stop!” He says between laughter using his hands as a shield.

I stop hitting him. And smooth my hair over my shoulders. “But only if you say I’m hot.” He says smirking.

“I would never-“

“Babe we’re in wal-mart stop being so horny!” He says rather loudly so everyone in the general vicinity can hear. My cheeks flame firetruck red.

“You son of a-“

“You want to do WHAT with me?”

“romanishot.” I mumble under my breath. Curse him and his stupid antics.

“WHAT?” People are staring now. I put a hand over his mouth before he can say anything else and further embarrass me. He gets a devious glint in his eyes. Then he licks my hand. My hand immediately flies off of his mouth and goes down to my jeans to wipe it off.

He’s in full on hysterics now laughing so hard he’s doubled over. How can he think this is funny?

“Roman is hot!” I exclaim throwing my hands in the air. “There I said it!”


“Has incredible muscles.” Damn him. Damn him. Damn him.


“AND WHAT?” I Exclaim agitatedly.

“And nothing I was just trying to see how much I could get out of you!” He says and collapses into another fit of laughter.

“You’re such a douche!” I say angrily. He’s still laughing as we head to check out.


Of course Roman picks the register with the cute girl. Bleach blonde hair and big boobs. Predictable. “How are you?” She leers at him as he takes his stuff out of his cart to be ringed up.”

“Good.” He says and flashes his best smile. She giggles flirtatiously and twirls her hair and smacks her gum vigorously. If she thinks that is attractive then I don’t wanna’ know what she thinks is ugly. I hold in a snort of laughter but end up making a choking noise, causing her to whip her blonde head over in my direction. I see jealousy flash through her eyes. I hold in another scoff.  She glares at me.

Through all of her flirting she doesn’t remember to I.D. Roman and just packs the beer in the bags without a second glance.

And when she turns around I swear she has a few more buttons undone on her unflattering blue polo shirt. She leans over the counter positioning herself for maximum cleavage exposure. At the last second Roman tosses a couple of packages onto the counter as he shells out his money. He winks at me.

I swear I can practically see smoke coming out from her ears now. Her glare icy as she plucks the receipt from the cash register and hands it to him daintily. 

    The logo on the condom box stares at me dauntingly. Ribbed for her pleasure. It reads.




It’s going to be a long night.

Hope you liked it (: thanks for reading and vote and comment and all of that shit haha (:

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