The school scenario

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Loki really hated public school. The only reason he ever agreed was because his father had made the suggestion and no one ever defies the king. Son or no son,you do not tell Odin no.

"Having some interaction with other children will prove to be good for you. You just wait and see,Loki"

The words of his father bounced around in his head as he walked across the playground at school. He did his best to avoid the other children because they always teased him for being a 'nerd' as they called it. All because he read books at recess instead of joining the other children in games such as tag and hide-and-seek. It angered him and made him want to turn the others into ice statues..only problem was that Odin had told him that if he dared to use his magic at school then he would take a hand to his backside. Not even his elder brother,Thor,would want that to happen,god knows how much that would hurt. But there was one bright side to school,her name was (Y/N). She seemed different to Loki. Instead of joining the other girls at the swing set to gossip about other children and swoon over Thor,she sat by herself under the small shade tree that grew by the slide. She was either drawing or reading and that tended to get her in situations where others girls would come by and pull her beautiful (H/C) hair and yell at her or boys would come around a spit on her. Loki had once tried to help the poor girl when the other boys were ripping the pages out of her book,that proved to only cause more trouble seeing as his face met the ground multiple times. After the boys had their fun and left,Loki tried to help (Y/N). He really did..but she seemed a bit shy so he decided it was best to leave her alone so she didn't think she was making a fool of herself. One thing that amazed Loki the most about (Y/N) was the fact that she always had a smile on her face. Always. Even though she was bullied,that smile never left her face. He wondered if maybe she was using some sort of magic to put that smile on her beautiful face or maybe it was a curse. Suddenly,a bell rang snapping Loki out of his thoughts and signaling the end of the school day 'finally' Loki thought as he gathered up his books 'though,I still wonder how (Y/N) keeps that cute little smile on her face...maybe I'll ask her tomorrow' then Loki had a thought that made him really excited 'and maybe if I can get Thor to try and help her when she's being bullied then her smile will get bigger!' He tried to imagine what her already perfect smile would look like if it was brighter and happier. Oh yes,tomorrow was going to be a great day!

A/N: okay,I got a little carried away with this first chapter. I just couldn't get over the idea of little Loki trying to make some one that he had a crush on happy! Also,enjoy those little compliments that I snuck into the story. You deserve them! And let's see who can find the Loki quote I put in at the end of the story. It's a little hard to find but I seen a GIF with Loki saying 'the quote' so..good luck!!

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