Secrets are revealed

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Loki was truly excited for today. Thor had agreed to help the girl when she needed it and somehow managed to see right through Loki's lie saying that she was 'just a friend' and that he didn't have a crush on the girl. All Loki had to do now was wait for (Y/N) to come through the school gates so he could tell her the great news. After a few minutes of waiting (which felt like an eternity to Loki) (Y/N) finally entered the school gates. Loki shot up from his spot on the swings and tried to run to her but stopped dead in his tracks

Where...where was her smile?

She looked okay. No bruises,cuts or scrapes. Her eyes looked a bit puffy and red though..wait..had she been crying? N-no that wasn't right..(Y/N) never cried. She was always smiling..never crying. Something was definitely wrong. (Y/N) walked over to her usual spot under the shade tree but instead of opening her sketch book or reading she just sat there and brought her knees to her chest. Yep..something was totally wrong. Loki really wanted to help her but..what if she just wanted to be alone? 'If I try to help (Y/N) and she doesn't want me to,that may ruin any chance of friendship-as if there was any-but if I don't help her,then I will feel guilty all day and think that she really did want my company'. After a long (and by long I mean 5 minutes) discussion in his head wether he should help (Y/N) or not,Loki finally decided that he should help her. 'So many times I have wanted my brother to be there for me but..he never was
and this seems like one of those times when (Y/N) could use someone by her side' he thought. Loki walked over to (Y/N) and put a hand on her shoulder "are-are you okay?" He asked. (Y/N) looked up at him,eyes full of tears which she quickly tried to blink away "y-yeah..I'm fine" she lied. Loki sat down beside her and stared at her "(Y/N),I am the god of lies. I know you are not okay,you cannot fool me" (Y/N) smiled faintly "my..umm..m-my mother...passed away this morning" Loki's eyes widened. He couldn't even begin to imagine what if would feel like if his mother died (A/N: ^_^). Before Loki knew what he was doing,he had wrapped (Y/N) into a hug "I am deeply sorry for you and your family" he said,noticing (Y/N's) small blush. Loki broke the hug with a small blush of his own
"I-I'm sorry..I-I didn't realiz-"

"No,it's okay. I needed a hug"

Loki sighed in relief. He hadn't made a fool of himself...yet. Suddenly,Loki had remembered the reason he had been so excited about today "umm..if it makes you feel any better..I asked my older brother if he would help you when the other girls a boys are bulling you" Loki said. (Y/N) smiled the brightest smile Loki had ever seen on her cute face "you know,you really should smile more often,it suits you" (Y/N) smile widened-if that was even possible-and a faint blush formed on her cheeks. "I-I really don't know what to say,Loki. Thank you..really" she said. Loki smiled instead of replying. That seemed more appropriate anyways. "Loki..I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come to my birthday party this Saturday? Your brother can come to but I'd really appreciate it if you'd come" Loki merrily nodded but he was cheering mentally. Before long,an all-to-familiar voice boomed behind the two children "ah,so I see baby brother has finally made his move" Loki's head snapped around and was met with his older brothers gaze "Thor!" Loki shouted as Thor laughed and (Y/N) giggled "it's okay Loki,I like you too" (Y/N) said before mentally slapping herself 'did I just let that come out of my mouth?!' She thought. Loki slowly turned around and looked at (Y/N) "you-you what?" He asked,sounding a bit desperate. (Y/N) blushed a crimson red "I...I like you" (Y/N) managed. Instead of replying,Loki stood up slowly before yelling "yahoo!!" At the top of his lungs as he trusted his fist into the air. (Y/N) sighed in relief 'if he feels the same..I guess it's okay that he knows' she thought before laughing at the sight of Loki running around the playground cheering.

~time skip~

The gates bursted open as the two brothers entered castle. They were greeted by their parents and before Loki could stop him,Thor had yelled out "father,Loki has found himself a maiden!" Oh boy...did Loki have some explaining to do or what?

A/N: the birthday party will be coming soon!

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