Easy way to increase followers

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1. Write "I follow back" in your bio so more people follow you

2. Follow people who have "I follow back" in their bio.

3. Check out some books that are titled "names of people who follow back" and follow them.

4. Also, quick reminder that I follow back each and everyone.  It may take a little while for me to follow back, but I will. So feel free to follow me.

5. Check out my book "promote your story". One of the chapters is reserved for "follow for follow". Comment down there so people know to follow you as you will follow back.

6. When you promise to follow back, remember to actually fulfill it or your followers might unfollow.

Note: this may help to increase the number of followers but the followers may not be genuine.
What I mean is, they won't check out your books or communicate with you, the way mutuals are supposed to.

Check out the other chapters to find how to gain genuine followers.

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