New Life

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Hey guys, I'm making this story because there haven't any new stories for Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you at the next book or chapter.

In a Forest, Not too far from Japan~

Trees, and Trees seen for miles on end. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming and days like these...

A Dragon awoke from its slumber as it slouches upwards, It adjusted its eyes towards the sun from the grove of trees.

It sat up, in its clearing before flapping its wings, Its green scaly wings, before flying to the sky, To its new Master.

In an Apartment complex~

Inside the room lies a certain H/L Male along with some beer cans, in a messy bed, as he groggily woke up after a massive hangover last night.

Y/N L/N, an Accountant for a company, drank too much after a major project his, stupid loud un-supportive, Boss forgot.

As Y/N prepares his day, and his hangover, the green Dragon was flying over the skies of Japan as it makes a spell that makes it invisible to the humans below.

As the Dragon flew, she looked down and saw two girls in French maid costumes, one holding a poster and the other passing out flyers to pedestrians walking by.

Y/N prepares his day with a white shirt, along with a black jacket and rain Coat, he opened his door to find the Dragon in front of him.


Ugh, that Hangover was a pain. Uhhhhhhh,  Another day of torture and death to our Ssoul.

As I opened my door, I was greeted to the sight of a..........Dragon...................





OK, OK, Calm down. Hypocritical people 'do not' solve anything so let's work this out.

Let's see...





And Viscous eyes.

Yep, a Dragon even with a hangover I can tell. This. is. a. Dragon.

It looked at me with its eyes while I look back with no emotions but I am FREAKING OUT inside.

It makes a magic circle in front of me as I prepare my death.

I didn't know what to expect...

Will it eat me....

Will it breath fire at me....

Or, Will I be Cursed with more PAPERWORK!!!

I brace for impact for it as I closed my eyes.



I waited a few more moments before looking at the girl before me.

The Dragon that stole my Heart (Malereader X Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now