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" EXCUSE ME WHAT " maryse screeched like a banshee i cringed as she did" your telling me your pregnant with MY sons child!"
" erm yes m-maryse " i stutter close to tears as i take deep breaths awaiting her response she quickpy turns to alec stalking towards him panting angrily " how dare you do this what have you done what did i teach you? huh "shes now standing right infront of him " how dare you sleep with this slut, " by this point im running out of the room towards the only place i feel safe alecs room only to hear alec shouting " how dare you insult the woman carrying my child and might i not enlighten you your own and first grandchild. I suggest you get out of this house mother. " i hear 2 paurs of feet walking towards the doors probably maryse and robert i run into the bathroom clise the door and quickly lock the door i slide down the door into a sitting position and sobs wracking my body i hear the bedroom door open and alec walk towards the bathroom " clary, baby dont listrn to her. She's full of herself just forget about her. We both know what she said wasn't true and i dont regret a simgle thing " i quickly shuffle away from the door and unlock it letting alec come in and he quickly rushes to me. He sits next to me and pulls me into his lap against his chest whispering soothing thing into my ears and calmly plays with the tips of my hair eventually my sobbing turns into small hiccups and i turn towards alec and hug into him. He stands and i wrap my legs around his waist and snuggle into his comfortable chest as he walks towards his bed and lies us down on it. We just lay together until i drift into a peaceful sleep in alec comforting arms
Because i havent updated alot so i give you the second chapter of today. With a bit of drama

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