Chapter 8

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Part 8 ish here. I hope that the stupid app doesn't crash this time. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Soon, the new day started with the rising of the morning sun. Minx woke up with a loud yawn and smiled. But her smile quickly faded as soon as she looked the empty half of her queen sized bed. Her mind flashed back to when her beloved was still around. When the American woman still loved Minx.

The brunette shook away all thoughts of her ex-girlfriend and stood up. She then proceeded to completing her morning routine before turning on her computer.

As soon as her computer was on, she opened up her youtube account. The female gamer suddenly felt like watching Krism's latest video. The way the American girl talked was as if nothing was wrong. In fact, she seemed more happy than before. The thought of Krism being more happy without Minx hurt her.

The more she watched, the more she couldn't stop. She didn't stop the video until she was unconsciously crying. As the video ended, she wiped away her tears and clicked on the video that she posted yesterday. Scrolling down to the comments section, Minx received the greatest shock of her life.

Krism had commented and there were many likes an replies on it. But that was not the point. The female youtuber couldn't believe her eyes as she read the comment many time over.

'What are you talking about? What do you mean by I broke up with you? You were the one who left me! Don't you fucking change the facts and spread lies! You fucking liar!'

Why did Krism do this to her? How could she change the facts and spread lies? Krism had changed and there was no doubt. The girl who had commented was not the girl Minx had fallen in love with.

But that wasn't the only thing that hurt her. Many of her fans actually supported Krism's lie and even said mean things, called her names, and even unsubscribed. Although there was the group of Minx's 'hardcore' fans who sided with the British woman, majority had sided with the American one. She couldn't believe it. What was becoming of her life? First Krism, now her subscribers?

The purple banged brunette ran out of the room crying. She ran into her room and sat on her bed, sobbing into her pillow. What had happened to her beautiful relationship? How did it crumble so quickly? And there were her fans, did they ever appreciate what Minx did? Or were they there for other youtubers like Pewdiepie, Chilled and Seananners? Maybe even Krism? Eventually, the British woman closed her eyes and went to sleep, wishing that this was all a horrible nightmare and not the sad, painful truth called life.

Chapter 8 is now finished! Thankfully it didn't crash. Umm... more of a filler I guess? Oh god, I feel so bad for making Krism so mean DX... I still question why you guys read my stuff. How the hell did this story get 570 views and 51 votes? I don't understand. Anywho, if you have read this far, I say thank you!

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