w e l c o m e

17 2 0

You know that moment when you really want to write but you're just in a writers block? Well, here are some prompts that will help you get motivated again!


r u l e s

• must be following this account
• must write in English
• must be respectful to all participants
• work must be your own, don't steal
• must add this your reading list


p r i z e s

Third place
• a third place sticker
• a permanent place in the Hall
Of Fame
• 2 comments on a book of their choice

Second place
• a second place sticker
• a permanent place in the Hall
Of Fame
• 3 comments on a book of their choice

First Place
• a follow from our account
• a first place sticker
• a permanent place in the Hall
Of Fame
• story will be uploaded to a book
where we'll say why they've won
• 5 comments on a book of their choice

I hope you guys join! Don't forget to tag friends!

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