Blaise's POV:
I'm sitting in the waiting room right now at the hospital trying to figure out who would hurt my best mates wife and my sister."Blaise, honey, Mia's, going to be ok, don't worry," Pansy told me. "I know pans, but she's my sister," I told her.
Then dr. Manik came.
"You all can visit her now." He told us.
Then we all stand up and start walking to her room.
When we got there we already saw Draco there holding Mia's hand. They then look at us with a smile on there faces.
"Sis," I said running up to her and hug her. She hugs me back. "I'm fine, Blaisy, don't worry." She told me. "I know that, but you sometimes make me worried, a lot," I told her.
"Yeah, like the time when you figure out that was pregnant with Draco's baby." She told me. "What, it's not my fault, you guys did that." He said.
"Well, we didn't even want to tell you," Draco said. "Oh, shut up, you bloody git," Blaise said. "Haha, very funny, mate," Draco said sarcastically.
Hermione's POV:
I giggle at seeing my brother and husband messing with each other again."It's so nice, to see that, your ok, Mia." Pans said. "Thanks, pans," I said. She nods.
"It's nice that you, ok, mom," Ethan said. "What are you two doing here, aren't you supposed to be with our younger selves," I asked.
"Yeah, but blossom, came and told us, about what happened to you, and we came here," Emerald told me. I smile.
"It's ok, but you should get back, there soon, ok," I told them. "Ok, mom, we will. Emerald said. "Ok, mom," Ethan said. "Good," I said.
"Now, can someone please explain, why the bloody fucking hell, am I in a flipin' hospital," I added in frustration. Draco then sighs.
"Mikel and the other don't even I don't know, who hit you, honey," Draco told me. "What!" I yelled.
Draco's POV:
"What!" Mia yells. "Sis, they're trying all that they can, to figure out, who would hit you," Blaise told her. "Yah, and figure out, what kind of spell, that person, cast on you." Pans said. She then sighs. "Ok." She said.I then put my hand on her cheek. "Hey, it's going to be ok," I told her with a smile on my face. "Ok, if you say so." She said smiling back at me.
I move my hand from her cheek to her hand and held it.
After a while, she could leave.
"Yay, mommy, coming home," Kevin said happily.
"Ok, how about we go home, and rest, then you too, can go back to us, well our teenage selves," I said. "Ok, dad," Emerald said.
Ethan's POV:
We are about to leave the hospital right now. I then whisper to emerald about what happened earlier with Potter."Ethan Malfoy, seriously you had to remind me of that jerk, ass, no good, no some evil little cockroach, did." She says.
Then I hear mom, auntie, uncle laugh. "What's so funny," I asked. "Oh, nothing, I just remembered, saying that to your father, before I punched him." Mom told us. "Hey," Dad said.
"What, it's not my fault, you were a bloody jerk," Mom argued. "It's not my fault," Dad said. "Yes, it is." Mom said. Dad sighs.
"Why are we arguing about this," Dad said. "I have, no idea." Mom said.

Mrs. Malfoy
FanfictionHermione and her new found love and kids are going to England. Hermione and her new found love and kids are going to to Hogwarts or going back there. What will happen when she goes. Will her friends be happy or mad at her. Will her friends except he...