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Draco Lucius Malfoy Age- 36 Blood- PurebloodWorks-  malfoy industries, hotels in muggle/ wizardry worlds Married- Hermione Jean Malfoy née Granger Kids- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

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Draco Lucius Malfoy
Age- 36
Blood- Pureblood
Works-  malfoy industries, hotels in muggle/ wizardry worlds
Married- Hermione Jean Malfoy née Granger
Kids- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

Draco Lucius Malfoy Age- 36 Blood- PurebloodWorks-  malfoy industries, hotels in muggle/ wizardry worlds Married- Hermione Jean Malfoy née Granger Kids- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

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Hermione Jean Malfoy née Granger
Age- 36
Works- ministry of Magic's and owns her own fashion line called H.J.M line
Married- Draco Lucius Malfoy
Kids- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

Emerald Susan Malfoy Age- 15 Nickname- EmHouse- Gryffindor Year- 5th Blood- Half-bloodParents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy Siblings- Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

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Emerald Susan Malfoy
Age- 15
Nickname- Em
House- Gryffindor
Year- 5th
Blood- Half-blood
Parents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy
Siblings- Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

Emerald Susan Malfoy Age- 15 Nickname- EmHouse- Gryffindor Year- 5th Blood- Half-bloodParents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy Siblings- Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

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Ethan Jones Malfoy
Age- 13
Nickname- Eth
House- Slytherin
Year- 3rd
Blood- Half-blood
Parents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy
Siblings- Emerald Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

Blossom Crystal Malfoy Age- 10Nickname- BlossHouse- none Year- none Blood- Half-bloodParents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy Siblings- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

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Blossom Crystal Malfoy
Age- 10
Nickname- Bloss
House- none
Year- none
Blood- Half-blood
Parents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy
Siblings- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

Blossom Crystal Malfoy Age- 10Nickname- BlossHouse- none Year- none Blood- Half-bloodParents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy Siblings- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

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Kevin Julian Malfoy
Nickname- Kev
Age- 6
House- none
Year- none
Blood- Half-blood
Parents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy
Siblings- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

Kevin Julian Malfoy Nickname- Kev Age- 6 House- noneYear- none Blood- Half-bloodParents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy Siblings- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Samantha Malfoy

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Samantha Katy Malfoy
Age- 2
Nickname- Sam
House- none
Year- none
Blood- Half-blood
Parents- Draco and Hermione Malfoy
Siblings- Emerald Malfoy, Ethan Malfoy, Blossom Malfoy, Kevin Malfoy

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