Tell the truth then.

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"Okay Mo, first of all, Palesa and I aren't dating or anything." I said out of nowhere, trying to break the silence.
"Yeah so can you explain what i just saw." Kgomotso said after a while, crossing her arms to her chest. She didn't look a slight bit angry, but she tried to look like it which was a little funny.
"I...we were just...I really don't know." I said to her and turned to look at Palesa who was now standing. She flickered me a smile and walked towards us slowly and closed the door. Both my sister and I looked at her in surprised and turned to us.
"Okay, Ummm... Kgomotso. I really like your sister. I bet it sounds weird since i met her yesterday but i was so dumbstruck by her when we met and I saw something in her that I've never saw in anybody else. I'm sorry you had to see that, but I really do like her." She held my hand as she spoke and i squeezed it gently after hearing what she said. She liked me!
"Okay. Well, i guess that's good...?" Kgomotso made it sound more like a question. Just as she was about to speak again, Kgotso opened my door and looked at us. He then turned to his twin sister.
"What the hell! Mom sent you to get them a while back! What have you been doing?" He yelled. Typical. I've never knew him to be the nice one, but he was the one who looked out for me. He loved me obviously but he showed it more than any of the others.
"Oh yeah. Mom wanted me to tell you supper's almost ready, but I'm sure it's already on the table so let's go now." Both the twins got out and i turned to look at Palesa.
"So you like me?" I asked, taken aback by her sudden outburst of her liking me.
"Yeah, and i was kinda heartbroken when you told your sister that there's nothing between us. And to show you i really like you, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Wow Palesa. We just met!" I said, and saw the disappointment in her eyes, so i decided to add, " But yes! I would love to." She jumped on me as i was taller and gave me a huge hug. I gave her a small peck on the cheek and we walked downstairs.
"Finally. What were you two doing?" Mom asked as Kgomotso faked a cough. I chuckled and shrugged when i sat down. I made Palesa sit next to me. My very first girlfriend. Wow!! I would have to tell my mom that I'm lesbian, but she was so bigoted. Well i think. I didn't want to ruin my relationship with her, so i decided i would'nt tell her. Yet.
"So Palesa," mom said, "how did you and Bokang meet?" I coughed and drank my water, thinking she would tell them that she was stalking me. Palesa just laughed and looked at me, asking for help. I just laughed and shook my head, but she looked too cute not to do what she said.
"What's so funny?" Eric asked.
"Oh nothing," i said, "she was stalking me and i caught her twice in two days. So i decided to run after her to tell her we don't keep cash in the house." They all laughed at that as Palesa blushed in embarassment. She was just so cute.
"Wow so we're having supper with a stalker. That's fun!" Kgotso exclaimed. We talked throughout the whole meal, ate dessert and then I walked Palesa out, accompanying her to her house.
"I know, they are crazy." I said, kind of worried she wouldn't like my family.
"They're awesome babe." She said to me, and kissed my cheek. I screeched inside, she called me babe. I walked her until we were out of my house's view, then i turned to her. She looked at me deep in the eyes and kissed me breathtakingly. This girl was different. She made me feel what I've never really felt before. In my opinion, she was perfect. Too perfect. She brought her arms up and held my neck, deepening the kiss as i held her waist gently and pulled her closer. When we pulled away, she gave me a half-hearted smile.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she answered, "I'm just going to miss you that's all."
I kissed her one last time, but this one was different. It was like she wanted more of me. I pulled away too fast, and looked at her straight in the eyes, "Goodnight babe." She said oh so sweetly. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight." I smiled.
She was my angel. I walked away, struggling to take another step in an opposite direction to her's, but i made it home, only to find Mo on my bed.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, not bothering to look at her as i pulled out my PJs from my closet drawer.
"Oh nothing. Just thinking about your friend. I could say friend right? Or should i say girlfriend?" I turned furiously and shot her a deadly glare.
"Who said she's my girlfriend?"
"Come on Bec, you two were kissing!"
"Who? Who was she kissing?" Kgotso asked as he burst into my room. I stared at Kgomotso with a 'f*ck you' glare, really hating the fact that Palesa was not there.
"Well talk?!" He yelled louder and Kgomotso shut him up.
"I was kissing a girl." I said in a plain tone.
"Wow! Who? Is it Palesa? She's the only girl I've seen you with." He was so amused. I nodded as i claimed in bed and gastured for them to get out, which they ignored rudely.
"Yes, it's her, now get out!" I shouted, but they just laughed and sat even more comfortably, probably showing me that they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
"No boo. Spill it! Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" Kgotso asked.
"Seriously K, the girl's never with any guy you can obviously see it." Kgomotso said thereafter.
"Nah, she wasn't with any girl either. She's always alone. I couldn't tell. And mom, when do you think she should tell her, you know, cause she's so traditional and all."
"Well that's where you're wrong. Mom isn't traditional, she's just...God fearing."
"Yeah whatever, but she should..."
"You know guys I'm right here and it's really hard ignoring you two." I said as a matter of factedly.
"Okay we're going." Kgomotso said, pulling Kgotso with her.
"Finally...." I mumbled under my breath and took out my phone. I had a text from Lesedi, Palesa and an unknown number. I opened it first
hey Bee this is Lira. Hope you don't mind that i took your number from Lesedi ;)
Lira? Who was she again? Probably from school. I texted her back, asking for her picture then i opened my girlfriend's text. It felt so strange calling her my girlfriend, but i enjoyed it. She was asking if she could get a sleepover the following day, and seeing that it was already on the June holidays, i said yes. I agreed without telling my parents first, but i was sure they wouldn't mind, seeing that they are happy for me having a 'friend'.
The text from Lesedi i ignored, and texted my neighbor Liam. He was sort of my friend, well not really. Actually I didn't know, but i think he was. He was Kgotso's best friend, and him and i were close that's all. I trusted him though. He and i texted throughout the night, and Palesa too. I slept really late that night, wishing i had Palesa with me. I really missed her.

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