•Chapter 1•

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   Today is Monday and I had to prepare for work. I start working as a CEO in my father's company today. He died three days ago from a deadly disease that runs in the family. I have always hated my dad. I didn't even answer his last name until recently. The first day I met him all I wanted to do was kill him. He had left my mother when he got her pregnant in college. From what I know it was a one night stand and when she told him about me, he told her he didn't want anything to do with us.

     My mother was nineteen at the time, while my dad was three years older. He was engaged to his college sweetheart who happened to be an Italian billionaire's daughter.
    My father paid my mom off with one million dollars which my mom accepted because of her condition.

     She came from a poor background. Her parents were disappointed in her and washed their hands off her. She needed the money to survive and I don't blame her for taking it. Accepting the money, she signed a contract that she was never going to show her face in his life and there wouldn't be any leak about me in the media either. But it seems like when the old man was going to die he wanted to go to heaven because he came one day begging my mother to forgive him. And she did. That's when she got pregnant for the twins.

     My mom had never told me anything about him then, and when I knew he was my father I hated him more.

     He had left his company for me in his will and now I'm going there to resume duty today.

     I got into the office and everywhere I passed people greeted, they seemed to know who I was. I looked around the office and it was okay. The colour black and brown dominated the office. Since the outside was made of glass, I could see the busy New York streets. There was a black executive chair and two other brown chairs in front of the mahogany desk. There were shelves around and a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Aside from that there was a separate place for a small meeting. There were three black leather love seats, a brown center table and a single leather chair. The office was really big and the space was well used.

    I sat on the executive chair going through some things on the laptop. I've been here for an hour and there's no sign of the personal assistant. So I made a mental notice to fire her as soon as she entered.

     I was getting impatient already and went outside my office. I saw one of the employees passing by and decided to ask her about the personal assistant.

     "And where the hell is the supposed personal assistant?" I asked angrily.

     Does she think she can just come anytime she pleases? I'd have to have a word with all the staff later, I can't stand this tardiness.

      "I'm here." a voice answered in a scared tone. But there was something familiar about it.

     I was ready to fire this person, then I turned around and it was no one other than Shayan West another person I hate.

     She looked different, different in a good way. "My office, now" I ordered harshly going to my office while she followed behind.

     I sat on the chair waiting for her to come in. I was angry, angry that she was late. But most of all angry for meeting her.

    "Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be here an hour ago!" I shouted angrily.

     "I'm sorry sir, I missed the first bus and there was traffic." She replied, a little bit nervous.

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