The First Meeting

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Misty mornings, coffee, rain and a good book are my definition of Happiness. What else does a person need? At least I don't need anything more than this. My perfect fantasy was broken by my alarm clock ringing at full volume and scaring the hell out of me. Like every other day I started my day by waking up late and then hurriedly gobbling down my breakfast. I quickly put on my overcoat and headed towards the door of my one bedroom flat. I dashed down the stairs and almost knocked off a man standing at the bottom of the stairs. Somehow I managed to mutter a quick apology and earn some sharp remarks from him. I ran as fast as I could to the bus stop only to find that I've missed my bus.

Anger seized me. On top of all this a complete idiot bumped into me from behind and spilled his coffee all over my brand new beige overcoat. And that was it. It was enough to drive me mad with rage. I turned around and started yelling at him without even thinking that I was standing in a public place. "How dare you mister! Are you out of your mind! Can't you look and walk! Just because of you my life is a total mess right now. As it is I've endless problems to take care of and you've added more. My brand new coat is totally ruined! What am I to do now!!! Tell me! First I wake up late and then I miss my bus and then I meet crazy people like you who can't even see where they're going! Just because of you I'll miss my first job interview!..." And then I started sobbing. This always happened to me. Whenever I lost control over my anger, it turned into tears. And there I was with a ruined coat and ruined mascara and a lost job opportunity.

Without saying a word more and even looking at that boy I turned around and started walking to a nearby café. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw it was that same boy. "I'll accompany you. At least let me apologize to you", he said with an amused expression. I ignored him and went into the café. I ordered a cappuccino. He followed me and sat right across my table.

"I'm Alex Dawson", he said with a crooked smile on his face. I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to deal with this moron. "Listen, I can explain –

"Please Mr. Dawson! I don't need any explanation! Better leave me alone or else after bearing all these nuisances I seriously won't mind getting imprisoned for murdering a person". At this, I saw an old lady who was sitting at the next table looking at me uncomfortably. I felt a bit awkward but I've always had temper problems and I couldn't do anything about it.

Instead of getting scared and going away like I had hoped, his smile widened.

"Your name?" he asked with that same smile. And this time I observed him a bit more carefully.

He had ocean blue eyes. His skin was a bit pale and his golden brown hair was slightly tousled. He had a perfect square jawline and his teeth were sparkling white. He looked strong, muscular and was quite tall. He almost looked like a model. He was wearing a black blazer and he looked so handsome and dashing...

I must have been staring at him like a fool because he burst out laughing loudly. That brought me back to reality. "What?" I asked him, trying to look as innocent as possible. "You look quite adorable with that expression". And that one comment made the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

"I'm Evelyn Miller. And I am not that pleased to meet you".

"Look, I'm extremely sorry about ruining your coat, but I didn't have even the slightest idea that suddenly, out of nowhere you'll come right in my way!"

"Oh! So you mean it's my fault!"

"No! No! I just mean that it's neither one's fault. It was an accident that simply couldn't be avoided. So let's just forget about all this and be friends".

He held out his hand and flashed his brilliant teeth. I couldn't resist shaking it. With that charming personality of his, I was already falling for him, but I controlled my feelings because I didn't even know that boy properly. We had been together only for a few minutes. And he could easily be a con man. I decided not to trust him so quickly.

"There you go! At least our fight has been resolved. Now the second problem, your coat. Show it to me."

I took off my coat and gave it to him. He examined the coffee stain carefully and finally offered to buy me a new coat.

I politely refused. "Thank you, Mr. Dawson, but I don't need a new coat. I'll give this one for dry cleaning and it'll be as clean as new. And I should go now. I'm feeling fine. Have a good day."

I started gathering my files and stuff but he held my hand. "Alright if you don't need the coat then please let me drop you where you have to go and I'll give your coat over to the dry cleaners' so that you can pick it up on your way back. This is the least I could do for you. Please don't say no."

I didn't want to take help from a complete stranger but there was something in his eyes which told me that he would do nothing wrong with me.

"Okay, Mr. Dawson but beware of me, I carry pepper spray".

He laughed at this. "You won't need that. Don't worry. And please call me Alex."

We walked out of the café and he told me that his car was parked nearby. I followed him, struggling to keep up with his pace.

"There it is", he said pointing to a shining black Mercedes. He went ahead and opened the front passenger door for me. I got inside and then he closed it and came and sat on the driver's seat.

"So where would you like me to drop you?"

"I think I'll probably go to the Champ de Mars".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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