Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own these characters. All of them belong to j.k. rowling. Also this is a drarry fanfic so boyxboy, but nothing sexual other than kissing. That is all.

Harry's pov

It's the first day back to school. I can't wait. Ron and his family went on a holiday, so I had to spend all summer with the Dursleys. It was awful. I can't wait to see Ron and Hermione and Draco. Wait what? I hate Draco. Why do I want to see him? Oh, who am I kidding. I've liked Draco ever since 2nd year.Unfortunately he hates me. No wonder since I'm always teasing him. But I couldn't bear if anyone found out. What would they say? The Chosen One, in love with with a death eaters son? Get real, like Draco would ever like me back anyway. Oh well, I have to go catch the train now.

Draco's pov

Ugh, I hate going back to school. I wish that I could at least ride my broom to school instead of having to ride the stupid Hogwart's Express. I hate Hogwarts. The only good thing is Harry Potter. Yes I said it. I have loved him since I first set eyes on him. With his bright green eyes, and messy black hair, and the way his robes fit him just right. But obviously, he will never love me back. Probably because my father is a death eater, and Harry is the Chosen One. He could have any girl (or boy) he wants, so why would he choose me.

Harry's pov

I almost missed the train like in second year, but I caught it just in time. Ron and Hermione had to go do their prefect duties, so I'm sitting will Neville and Luna but they're so engrossed with each other I don't think they know I'm here.

I've decided to tell Ron and Hermione I like guys. Maybe it will make me feel better and then I won't feel so alone with this secret inside of me. Here they come, I have decided to tell them separately.

Draco's pov

Crabbe and Goyle are so stupid. It is impossible to hold a good conversation with them. I've decided to go look for Blaise or Pansy. they are much better company.

On my way to find my friends I walked past that Granger girl and Harry talking. I ducked into the nearest compartment so I could eavesdrop without them knowing. "Hermione, I have to tell you something." "Yeah Harry? What is it." " I..I..I'm," he stuttered. " I knew it" she replied with glee. "what?" Harry said. " I said I knew it, come on Harry I've always known I've just been waiting for you to tell me," said the Granger girl, again with a hint of glee in her voice. I zoned out for the rest of the conversation and mulled over what I just heard. The guy I like is gay too. I wonder who he likes? Probably not me.

Harry's pov

I told her. I told Hermione everything. That I like guys, Draco more specifically and just everything. But of course she already knew. How can someone be that smart? Really though. Anyways, I had her tell Ron and they were both very understanding. They have gone to finish their prefect duties and I'm alone again.

Third Person pov

The train pulled to a stop in Hogsmeade station, and all the students got off. As usual, Hagrid was there instructing the first years. The rest of the students got into thestral-drawn carriages. Soon they arrived at the school. The sorting was done, Dumbledore had said his speech, and the feast had been eaten. All the students went to bed, hoping to get a good rest for the next day full of studies. Everyone fell asleep quickly, weary from their day of traveling. Everyone except two. Harry and Draco.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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