| Show Me What's Behind Your Back // Doyoung, Hayeon |

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Topic Sentence: "Show me what's behind your back..."

Members/Ship: DoYeon (Doyoung/Hayeon)

Words: 587

Summary: Hayeon breaks something important.

A/N: It's my first time doing something like this. I hope y'all enjoy! Feel free to tell me what y'all want to see. :)


Hayeon danced around the dance room with her music blasting loudly

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Hayeon danced around the dance room with her music blasting loudly. She was having fun when she danced, not having to follow someone else's choreography. Although she was having a good time, she made a mistake:

She was wearing jewelry. She was wearing a necklace.

She wasn't wearing just any necklace. Hayeon was wearing a necklace that Doyoung gave her for her 15th birthday. She believed this necklace brought good luck. She's been wearing it since she got it.

However, Hayeon's worst fear came true. As she danced to the music gracefully, the necklace fell to the floor. She paused and picked it once she noticed the shiny, gold item beneath her feet.

The necklace was now broken. She doesn't know how she broke it. Hayeon examined the piece of jewelry and wondered.

How was she going to tell Doyoung?

Doyoung smiled whenever Hayeon fidgeted with it. It reminds him of Hayeon's first year at SM. He watched her struggle to fit in with her peers. Hayeon opened up to him about her which caused them to become friends.

Jennyfer walked into the practice room ready to practice. She wasn't surprised when she saw Hayeon here early. She was surprised to see Hayeon sitting down with watery eyes.

"Hayeon! What's wrong? Are y—"

Hayeon held up the necklace to show Jennyfer. Jennyfer knew how important that necklace was to her—and Doyoung. To others it seemed as a useless item only used as an accessory, but it was much more than that.

The door opened again to show Doyoung standing at the door with confusion. Hayeon and Jennyfer stood up. Jennyfer said hello and walked out the room. Hayeon bowed without a word.

"Why'd you bow?" Doyoung raised his eyebrow, watching as Hayeon nervous tried to reach for her necklace. But, it wasn't there, and Doyoung noticed. He didn't see the gold chain with a gold microphone.

"Where's your necklace?"

"I l-left it at h-home," Hayeon whispered quietly. Her voice was shaky and she began to get hotter in this cold room. She held her hands behind her back. It looked like she was holding something.

"Show me what's behind your back," Doyoung demanded and crossed his arms in front of him.

Hayeon hesitates before she showed the necklace whose chain was broken and laid free in her other hand.

Doyoung's breath hitched. He didn't say anything, scaring her. Hayeon's eyes watered again.

"Doyoung-oppa, i'm very sorry. I didn't mean to break it. I-I.." Tears streamed down her face as she held the necklace in her hand. She put it in her pocket, covered her face with her hands, turned away from Doyoung, and silently cried.

Doyoung went in front of Hayeon and removed her hands from her face. He rapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his head into her hair. She cried more and hugged back.

"Hayeon, it's okay. I know you wouldn't mean to ruin it. It's fine. Calm down, okay? We can get it fixed. It'll be okay, Yeon."

Doyoung's heart ached at the sight of Hayeon beating herself over this. He grabbed the necklace from her pocket and put it in his. He continued to hug her until she calmed back down.

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