Alice Winchster.

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Deans pov

Cas and I were called to the school about Alice. She is our twelve year old daughter. "Do you think she is okay Dean?" Cas asked from the passenger seat. "Honesty babe. I dont know." I really had no idea.


When we got there,sitting in the chair out side the office was a girl with a bloody nose and Alice with her arms crossed. I leaned over and wispered. " What the hell did you do?" She just looked at me then looked away. We then went into the office and sat in the uncomfortable chairs. "Mr. and Mr.winchester. Your daughter has expressed some violent acts today during lunch. I had a small proud smile on my face until Cas leaned over and wispered. "We need to look like good parents Dean. Not proud that she kicked another girls assbutt." I erased my smile quikly. " My best thought is suspension for a week and two days." The princable said. " Did she brake the chicks nose?" I asked and Cas hit my knee with his. " We do not know yet sir." I finally stood up with Cas. " Ok. We will have a long talk with her when we get home." Then I walked out. When in the parking lot, Cas said to Alice."We are very disapointed in you." Cas had a scowl on his face. Alice then looked at me. I leaned down and wispered "Great job." Then winked. "DEAN!" Cas yelled at me in anger. "Yes babe?" He looked angryer if that was possible. I then looked at Alice and with another wink i said. "We will talk later."  * Please leave comments my loves*

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