Apple Pie Life

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Sam pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was playing heat of the moment so it must be Tuesday. The smell of bacon and eggs flowed through my room. I walked into the kitchen to find my beautiful wife cooking. "Hey baby!  Good morning." I walked over and kissed her cheek. "Morning babe." I tried to sound awake but failed. "I see you didn't get much sleep." She said as I got Austin out of his highchair. "By the way Sam, Dean and Cas are dropping off Mary and Noah so they can have their anniversary. I won't be able to stay because I have to be at the studio at 10:00. Will you be okay?" Austin and I were playing peek a boo. "Yea.  I'll be fine with five kids for a few hours." I was over wrong.


Dean and Cas showed up ten minutes early. "Heya Sammy! How's Mikala?" I gave Dean and Cas a hug. "Yea she's good. SKYLER AND ZOEY, COME DOWN AND SAY HEY TO YOUR UNCLES!"  I yelled up the steps and down came 16 and 15. Skyler was 16 and Zoey 15. "Hey uncle Dean, Cas." The girls said in unison. They went back upstairs and took Austin and Noah with them. Mary stayed with us. "Hey uncle Sammy!"  Mary had blonde ish brown ish hair and blue eyes. She was 3.  Noah and Austin were both around nine months. "So Cas, how's the new job going?" I asked as I handed them a beer.  "Shitty." was all he said before taking a sip from his bottle. "Awww come on babe, it can't be that bad." Dean said after giving him a small peck. We talked for a little bit before Dean and Cas had to go.   "Uncle Sammy, can we see lion King?" Mary asked after her dad's left. "Yes."  I gathered all of the kids and put them in the living room and played lion King while I worked on one of my law cases.


A few hours later I go into the living room to find toilet paper being thrown and three girls jumping on the couch screaming.  "Guys!  What the hell happened to the movie?! AND WHERE ARE THE BABIES!?" I was loosing my shit.  They all pointed to the play pin with the boys in it.  Just the,  my cleaning ocd wife walked in. "Baby!  I got sala-WHAT IN THE GIANT FUCK HAPLENED???!!!" Her eyes were huge. "welcome home and I love you!" Was all I could say. * Hope that was okay. *

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