Chapter 5

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Next chappie! It might be a bit all over the shop because I'm at dance competitions today but I hope you read and review!

I don’t own Labyrinth and characters I make up are from my head… etc…


Chapter 4 – Cats and Goblins

Lucy and Feather-blossom where wandering the underground labyrinth when they came across a little old woman. Her hair was grey and even though they could see her from behind they could guess her face was aged and worn.

‘Excuse me miss?’ Lucy asked her, ‘do you know the way out of her?’

The woman turned around and what they saw was a frightful site. The woman’s eye lids and mouth had been sewn up. Her mouth was turned down in a frown and she had no eye brows. There was just a small stump where her nose was with two small holes that she must have been breathing from.

“Lucia, I have been waiting for you.” Lucy heard in her mind. She flinch at the intrusion and didn’t know what she was supposed to say. “Don’t be frightened young child. You are destined to do great things to save this kingdom. I am Lydia; I'm a see’er and the most powerful see’er in the whole labyrinth. I see all that has been and all that will happen. You have been chosen by fate to save this kingdom. You will face three big challenges before you reign but I can only tell you that the labyrinth is your easiest one. The other two will be worse and more difficult and through them you will learn many things. But most importantly you will have to learn three other lessons. These I can tell you. You will learn to trust others, you will learn to be courageous and face difficulties when loved ones are in danger, and you will learn that self-sacrifices have to be made in order to save these loved ones. Now you must go quick as your time is dwindling.” The woman put an amulet around Lucia’s neck and then touched her forehead.

Lucia fell upwards through the roof and seemed to float right through the very ground. When she was above ground again she found herself in the hedge maze. She couldn’t help but wonder what the woman meant or if she may have just been a trick from Jareth to slow her down.

‘What was that all about? I was yelling and screaming at you but you just stared at the woman in some sort of trance, then she gave you the necklace and we floated right through the ground. Are you okay?’ asked Feather-blossom.

‘I'm fine. She was talking to me though. Like in my head. It felt like she was talking normally to me but like it was direct. She said something about lessons and challenges.’ Said Lucy. She didn’t really want to tell her much more for some reason so she just kept quiet about the rest.

‘Well we’re in the hedge maze now and can keep going sine it shouldn’t be that long until we’re in the castle and you can be the kings daughter’ Feather told her.

They carried on through the hedge maze and thought it was much nicer than the other sections she’d been in. it was full of plants and pretty flowers and had statues and courtyards with benches. She wondered what else was in the hedge maze and what she would have to face. There couldn’t be much more, she was almost at the castle and she was extremely tired and hungry but she didn’t want to check the time in fear that she found out she only had five minutes left and was going to fail miserably.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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