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Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction book and I’m on holidays for a while so I will be hoping to write a lot if I get inspired enough! Also it is rated for caution on violence and any romance in later chapters that I do not yet know about as I don’t know how if I can write anything like that yet so we will just have to wait and see how I feel (and what you guys tell me).

Also I do obviously not own labyrinth and all that jazz about copyright that comes with fanfictions and I don’t own many of the characters and those that did have all came from my head and are all completely  FAKE!

I hope you review and tell me how it is because it’s nice to get feedback on my work as I would with any stuff that I read because I take good and bad feedback in stride to help me with my writing.

Thanks guys <3


The teary eyed woman looked at the girl with a feeling only a mother could know. Her husband had abandoned her and she had no job, no money, no car and soon no place to live. She was waiting for those final moments when she would hear the house owner knocking at the door asking where his rent for the week was and then the cold hearted man would either do the unthinkable or tell her to leave, with hopefully only the small back-pack she had and no little girl, and find a place to sleep for the night out on the streets of Brooklyn.

But she would not do this without assuring her little princes was going to be alright. She had to try anything that could give the little girl a better chance. She could not let the light of her life live cold and hungry on the streets begging for all the scraps of food or money she could get. So she would send her to a place where she thought she’d be better off.

There was the knock on the door and she put the sleeping girl on the couch next to her bags so she could retrieve them both if things did not turn out as she planned. There was another thunderous banging on the door.

She frantically said the words just as the spare key turned in the lock, ‘I wish the goblins would come take you away, right now.’

The door slammed open and the horrible man whose roof she’d live under for the last fortnight charge in and yelled, ‘where’s my rent you no good street urchin? Where is the cold hard cash you told me you’d have?’ he went to strike her and she turned her head just as the blow struck home to see a puff of glitter and her little angel disappear just as she blacked out.

‘Well, well, well, now what, or should I say who, do we have here?’ the king of the goblins asked the toddler who beamed up at him. She was a lively little one squirming all around as his goblins tried to carry her into his throne room and they eventually gave up and let the little girl walk herself while holding on to one of the larger goblins hand.

‘I’m Lucia and I’m two!’ she told him with a huge smile on her face. She seemed proud of herself to be such an age.

‘And what brings you here you here precious?’ he asked her looking at, Grub, the goblin she was clinging to for an answer.

‘She been wished away she ‘as, we brought her to you just as ‘er mam was beat by big scary man we did, Majesty.’ Jareth contemplated the answer and wondered what a sweet little thing like this could have done to be wished away at such a time and sure he’d had plenty of mothers wishing their daughters away and not wanting to retrieve them but he could only think that this time was in protection of the man who was beating her mother.

‘You Dwess funny.’ She told Jareth not quite being able to say “dress”. He wondered what he was going to do with this little girl who had commented on his attire in front of all his subject who began whispering about her being bogged for that one and other unthinkable things that they said he would punish the little girl for, for insulting the king. But all he did was get up of his throne and avoided the mess in the room as he walked to the child and picked her up into his arms

‘Do you know who I am little Lucia?’ he asked the toddler.

‘You a king of goblewins! Mummy send me to you cawse daddy gones away’ she replied with the innocence of the child she was.

‘And do you know what I do?’ he asked the toddler who was now trying to catch the tufts of his hair that stuck out in all directions.

‘You turn baybies into goblewins,’ she then apperead shy and a little bit scared, ‘are you going to turn me into a goblewin?’ Tears shone in her eyes and everyone’s eyes went to her and then to the king expectantly.

‘No, you will stay a human.’ There was a loud murmur and disruption in the rooms. The goblins had never seen Jareth with a mortal child and not turn them into a goblin. ‘No I see no need for that, we have far too many goblins in this place and so you will remain a child. No where will you stay?’ he pondered not expecting the high pitch answer he received.

‘I’ll stay with you! You can be my new daddy!’ she looked proud at her answer And Jareth looked astonished. The child he was holding threw her arms around his and hugged him as hard as she could making that weird strained squeezing sound he’d seen mortals do with their children before he took them promising that they’d be coming to get them back soon. They never did though. No one had ever beat him or his labyrinth and most failed within the first hour or two, either giving up or falling into some trap that could have easily been avoided. Some couldn’t even find the door to the labyrinth and gave up in ten minutes. As he’d always said, once a child is wished away then they obviously won’t have the patience to run the labyrinth to find the child even if they tried.

‘No that would be unthinkable. I am a very important man and I have other matters to attend to. But I may have an idea that could possibly help a little.’ He thought on the possibilities of a castle nursery and orphanage as most fey would to have a young child as it was very hard for them and almost impossible to conceive. ‘Yes! It’s perfect, you will be the start of the new orphan programme and though you will not be changed into a goblin you will be changed into a fey along with all the new children found or wished away and then put up for adoption.

That is the end of the prologue and the first chapter should be up soon. Please do note that even though I am a fan of the Jareth/Sarah fanfictions and most of the books I like and write are fantasy romance, I don’t know where this story is heading but Sarah will not be a part of it (I don’t think) and there may or may not be romance in the later chapters. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in chapter 1!

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