Lineage Arise

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        Fey knocked on the door of her mother's apartment, anxiously shifting from side to side. She'd moved out of her house once Fey joined the Legion, into an apartment in Peek City. She wanted to be closer to her daughter.  

        The door swung open, and a short, blonde woman appeared in the doorway. Her mother wore a tired expression, and was still in her pajamas. In her defense, it was incredibly late at night. After seeing Fey's expression, she became clearly worried.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong? It's one in the morning?" She asked, pulling her daughter inside. 

        She sat Fey down on the couch, draping a blanket over her shoulders. After making her a fresh cup of coffee, she sat down opposite of Fey and looked at her with concern.

"Fey, what's going on?" She questioned again.

"Mom, a spaceship landed in Lennan Park today... and... Ceris was inside." She murmured.

        Her mother's face fell, a look of shock crossing it.

"He... he's here? It's been nineteen years... Why?" She stuttered. 

"He found out that I existed, and decided to come back so I could help him get revenge on the Virtagens or something. I told him no, and I tried to fight him off, but he was so strong. He won't leave unless I go with him." Fey confessed. 

"You don't have to go with him unless you want to." Her mother replied, staring at the ground.

"I don't want to. He's a terrible man. I just wanted to let you know so you don't have to find out on your own." Fey tried to speak rationally, but her voice wavered.

"Thank you, Fey."

"Look, mom, I have to go, the Legion is pretty overwhelmed tonight. People are committing their crimes tonight because they're under the impression we're too preoccupied to care. But... before I leave, I need you to promise you won't try to seek out Ceris. It's not going to help anyone. He won't listen to anything you have to say." Fey whispered desperately. 

"I'll stay away if that's what you want. But you should be more careful too, Fey." Her mother told her, taking her daughter's empty cup of coffee to fill it up again.

"Ceris is just so infuriating, he deserved to be attacked-" Fey piped up, but was cut off.

"I'm not just referring to this occasion. I see you and your friends on the news all the time doing crazy things and it really worries me. You need to reel it back a little. You're going to get hurt." Her mother said worriedly. 

"Mom, I'm a superhero." She tried to explain, pressing her lilac palm to her forehead. 

"You're still so young. The rest of those heroes are all adults!" She protested.

"I'm an adult...?"

"You're eighteen." Her mom said starkly. 

"Meaning I'm literally an adult. And anyway, there are other members of the Legion who are young. Theo's only seventeen!"

"Fey. Just promise me you'll be careful." Her mother said in an exasperated tone.

        Fey sighed.

"Okay, mom." She replied, giving in.

        She quickly drank the rest of her coffee before hugging her mom. They bid their goodbyes, and Fey walked out of the house. She wandered down the street for a moment, savoring the white noise of the city. 

        Fey reached a hand in her pocket, and pulled out her phone before shooting a text to her friend, Theodore James. He was also a member of the Legion, a teen with the power to create pheromones that could manipulate the emotions of those in range. He was more commonly known to the public as Elytra. Their conversation went as follows.

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