Trouble in Paradise?

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*This story takes place in season 1 of both shows, for the most part. It's a very AU story, and I haven't watched Teen Titans in a while, so ignore how cringey it is. I aged Danny up a bit for the sake of the story, and he is now 15 instead of 14.* 

"We're moving where?" Danny widened his eyes.

"Jump City!" His mother smiled, eyes twinkling with delight. "Your father and I got offered a job at Star Labs," 

" friends, school, heck what about the ghost portal, you can't just pack that up with us!" Danny tried desperately to try to find some way to keep his parents from the idea. 

"Don't worry, Danny. You'll make new friends, and you can always call and text them whenever you want. And we aren't selling the house, your father and I still plan to come back here after retirement." Maddie explained, still with obvious excitement. Apparently, Star Labs had been their dream job back in college, until they found out Star Labs didn't have a ghost division. Which reminded Danny...

"Are you still going to be working with ghosts?" Danny frowned. 

"...No, but we are going to pitch the idea. We'll be working on studying meta-humans instead, which is still exciting all in it's own." Maddie smiled, though Jack seemed a bit more interested in ghosts. Danny knew who'd convinced who that this was a great idea. 

"How long?" Danny frowned, finally realizing he wouldn't be able to convince his parents any. 

"We're waiting until the end of July, that way you can have a few weeks to get settled in before school starts and have a few weeks to get ready for the move," Maddie smiled. 

"It's going to be great, Dann-o," Jack patted him on the back, sending him forward a bit with the impact and forcing him to grip the edge of the chair he was sitting on in surprise. 

"Have you told Jazz yet?" Danny asked, noticing his missing sister. 

"We told her a few hours ago. We tried waiting for you, but you didn't get back until five minutes before curfew, which we need to talk to you about that, by the way." Maddie placed her hands on her hips, giving Danny a light glare. Danny gave an uneasy smile, and the conversation ensued. 


"Wow..." Sam muttered, looking at her friend. "I can't believe you're actually leaving." 

"Tell me about it," Danny grumbled, kicking a rock as he walked. 

"Where are you moving to again?" Tucker asked, holding out his PDA. 

"Jump City, California." He sighed. A few seconds later and Tucker's eyes widened. 

"It says here they have their own team of superheroes there, they're called the Teen Titans," Tucker explained. 

"Wait, what?" Danny took Tucker's PDA straight from his hands, ignoring the other boy's protests. He looked over the article which held a picture. "Oh come on, that is so not fair!" 

"What's not fair?" Sam asked, looking over his shoulder. Tucker was muttering about how there was just no stopping ghosts from stealing your electronics. 

"They save people, and they're rewarded! I save people, and everybody screams and runs away!" Danny complained. He handed the PDA back to Tucker, who hugged it and looked it over for damage, even though Danny and Sam obviously hadn't ruined it. 

"Hey, maybe you can get their autograph." Tucker inclined, though most of his interest was in his PDA at the moment. 

"Doubt it," Danny rolled his eyes. The trio arrived at the Nasty Burger, and Danny had to try (and failed) to keep Sam and Tucker from fighting over meat and veggies. 


Okay, okay, I know I started another story, but come on, you know you can't blame me. Anyways, this is a Teen Titans, Danny Phantom crossover. Look, it's a crossover without the name 'The Bat and the __', it's a miracle! 

In other news, I'm doing a crossover where Danny simply moves to Jump rather than finds his was there after the Nasty Burger incident. I aged him up a little bit for the sake of the story. We'll just say his birthday was in June. And yes, this takes place in season one for now, which means that Danny is still pretty bad at controlling his powers, which also has a purpose. 

Alright I'm sure you're tired of listening to me ramble about my life and all that, so I'll let you go here. 



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