Evil Toasters (With Teeth!)

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***This takes place about 3 months or so after the last chapter. This makes the show go at a much slower pace, so he's still not entirely in control of his powers yet, especially since he hasn't been using them much lately.***

It had been a normal, peaceful and quiet day for Danny Fenton. That is, until his ghost sense went off. Danny hated that ghost sense just about as much as he hated his alarm clock on a Monday morning, but he couldn't just do nothing. What if by ignoring his ghost sense, somebody got hurt? Or worse. 

Shaking the thought out of his head, Danny hid behind a trash can. "I'm going ghost," He whispered, feeling the familiar white rings form and transform him into his 'elusive' other self. 

Danny took to the skies like a fish to water. Well, other than the fact that he'd almost been carried off by the wind and had a bit of a bumpy start. However, he loved flying. That was his favorite power, by far. The feeling of air rushing around you, and the peacefulness of being away from...everything. 

Focus! Right, he had to focus! Otherwise, he might accidentally switch back to Danny Fenton midair, and that wouldn't be a great idea. He could see the headlines now: 'Young Daniel Fenton's body discovered in the streets. Experts have determined that he did not jump from a building, as the bodily damage does not match the height of the buildings around.' He shook his head. That wasn't helping his focus any. What had he been doing again?

His ghost sense gave him a quick reminder of what he was doing, and he noticed the source almost immediately. He steered himself towards the ghost. "Not you again," Danny frowned, looking at the ghost with an almost exasperated expression. Just then, he changed back into his human half. "Dang it..." He muttered. 

"Yes, it is I, Technus, again!" The ghost smiled widely. His Einstein style hair blew in all directions, and Danny gulped as he realized they were just outside his favorite arcade. He hoped that Technus wouldn't cause too much damage, he had plans to go with his friends next weekend. 

Technus was knocked towards the middle of the street by something before Danny could even act. Looking up, Danny noticed it was one of the Teen Titans. What was his name again? He was certain it was some sort of bird. Raven? No, that was the girl with the cloak. Wren? No, that wasn't it either. It had started with an R, hadn't it? R-R-Rob, yeah, that felt right, Rob-Robin? Robin! That was it! Why had it taken him so long to figure that out? Before he knew it, the very same guy, Robin, had tackled him down out of the way of a flying toaster. No wait, it was worse. It was a flying toaster with teeth. 

"Run!" Robin instructed, shoving Danny forward a bit. Danny would've, but something inside him forced him to stay. He didn't know what exactly it was, but he just couldn't leave anyone else to fight the ghost alone. Not only that, Robin didn't have the knowledge nor equipment in order to capture the ghost itself. 

"I'm staying." Danny declared, giving him a side glare as he stood firmly, even stepping forwards a few steps. 

"Look kid, don't go playing hero, it's dangerous. Go home." Robin demanded, giving Danny an almost exhausted face. Danny gave him defiance instead, glaring into where his eyes would be were they not covered up by his mask. 

"Come on, ghost child! Beat him up!" Technus cheered from the sidelines. "Either way, you're toast!" Solidifying his pun, Technus threw more evil toasters Danny and Robin's way. 

Danny looked at Robin uneasily. "Can you distract him?" Danny asked. Robin, thinking this was his way of saying he was going to make a run for it, grabbed his bow staff with a grin. 

"Gladly." As Robin attacked Technus, quickly drawing all of his attention away, Danny grabbed his not-so-secret weapon: The Fenton Thermos. A flurry of kicks, thwacks, and quite a few pained gasps from Technus, and Danny charged up the device. 

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