“If you are unable to learn and pass the test of life, success will also miss out in your choice of vocabulary”-(ozprix 2012). I usually tell my pals that; “Everyone can become successful in life but not everyone will become successful” because not everybody is prepared to play life’s game according to its rules. We all have the tendency of becoming successful in any endeavor we pursue as human beings but not all of us are willing to take the risk involved. One of the favorite tales my granny told me when I was young is what has shaped my thinking all these years.
My Nana said there was once a country mouse who became very tired of being extremely poor. He then decided to leave home and seek his fortune. His neighbors (fellow mice) ridiculed and discouraged him…they said all sort of distasteful words to him so as to dispirit him from embarking on his journey“. He was very determined to change his fortune so he was not bored. He left the town and nobody heard from him for some time.
After some years he returned to his hometown, low and behold he was very wealthy. He had a bag of gold, splendid clothes, and other valuables. Immediately he came back, he was a hero in the town. Everyone wanted to be his friend, even those who had laughed at him.
Sooner than later, a group of mice approached him and said to him; “we want to go where you went, and find wealth like you did. Is there enough for us too?”
“Ooh yes, replied the wealthy mouse, but I don’t think you really want to go”…oh yes we do, they insisted. Will you tell us how to get there?
All right, said the wealthy mouse. The way will take you right across the cat’s nose. Do you still want to go? There was silence. They didn’t answer him. They all left and never went to seek some of his fortune!
If you can’t take the risk of passing right in front of the “cat” to the fortune land, then you aren’t ready for success. In our case, what life presents to us from childhood is nothing but risk taking. No human being is exempted from life’s lessons and the tests that accompany it. Even if you study it or not, life will still present to you your test. There are always two things involved, either you become successful when you pass or vice versa when you fail. Hope you will opt for the former instead of the later.