The Beginning

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It was 9pm.

The night sky was full of wonders, the reflection of the little gleam of light the stars and moon gave off hit the cafe windows.

Leanette sighed, she smiled wearily, "I don't understand Commander, what is your position here?"

Major stared out the clear windows, the shadows and dim lighting the Christmas lights gave off were enough for him to smirk,

"All I am saying is, this cafe is a great opportunity for you to jump start on any career you want to maintain in the nearby future."

He closed his eyes.

"Yeah? so why this cafe?" her light yellow work dress made her look older than she actually was. The dress was meant to be similar to a fairy dress.

A princess almost, the short sleeves came off fittingly to her shoulders.

He peeked one eye and chuckled, "I should get going, its getting rather late, wouldn't you say, Nette?"

She rolled her eyes.

He stood up and walked toward the door,

the sound of his formal shoes made was rather comforting, maybe it was because she was used to the sound of the Commanders boots, or maybe because it reminded her of her own mother.

He turned around to give a small wave at her, his red hair gleamed under the cafe lights.

He left.

She stood up and walked toward the table full of men, all around the age of 19.

"Hello gentlemen, how may I help you?" Leanette bowed slightly with a cup of beer in both hands.

A man with a chiseled jaw and georgeous Blue eyes winked at her, ill take those, he reached for the jug full of alcohol.

The worn out doors bell rang, almost like the sound of a dogs collar.

A man, who looked very familiar to Leanette walked in.

She turned to face him as the Chisled Jaw man took the jugs out of her hands,

His face, as soothing and serious as can be.

Her eyes gleamed with awe, they were green and beautiful, as were his.

His eyes met hers, and for a second, she thought she saw his eyes gleam too,

but before she could tell, he looked away.

Her glimmering eyes focused, "Hello, welcome to our cafe, how can I help you?" she smiled politely.

He looked down to her, he was a eye turning 6'2, his hair was pulled back as black as the night sky, his skin, clear and pure.

He opened his mouth, and closed it.

She watched his every move, only 2 feet away from him, she had her working face applied on her, stuck like glue, never to reveal her true colors.

But with him, she just couldn't help but softening her face.

He smiled, "Tea. Please."

His voice was deep, the sound of his crisp pronunciation to every letter of the words made the hair on her arms stand.

He looked at her eyes for a rather long moment,

She nodded and walked off behind the bar,

the sound of every clank her 2 inch thick heels made, made the men in the group turn to her and cheer,

Some even cat called.

The man sat on the outside patio, it was calm out there, anyone could see why he would choose to be outside,

rather than inside where a group of child like men cheered at every moment leannette made.

He chose the spot furthest away from the door, he was sitting formally, his posture in check, chin up, and eyes forward,

he stared out toward the village lights.

"A tea, pronto." Leanette stuck out her tongue at her co-worker and laughed.

"Coming right of Nette." He emphasized her nickname Major had given her.

She couldn't help but glance at the window,

She approached the patio doors and quietly opened it.

Her heels made no noise,

3 minutes passed.

"Beautiful isn't it?" His voice clear and rich rang in her ears startling her.

His eyes turned to face her, "the sky full of stars,"

"Yeah, really is something" She spoke softly.

He smiled.

Marco, Leanettes co-worker, came rushing by with a tea in his hand, "one cup of tea for you, sir."

The man bowed, "Thank you, greatly appreciate it."

"Leanette, your shift is over, here, I got your stuff." Marco handed her small wallet over to her.

"Oh! is it 10pm already?" she said willingly.

He nodded and walked off.

She stood out there for what seemed like 10 minutes, she hadn't even noticed so much time had passed.

"Well, it was really nice serving you." She waved with a smile.

"Let me walk you home, its pretty late and rather dangerous to walk home alone, don't you think, Leanette is it." He chuckled lightly.

"Oh!" She giggled, "you're right, if you want to you can."

"Of course, who would pass by an opportunity to walk a beautiful girl home." He got up and left a 10 dollar bill on the table.

The tea was a little over 5 dollars, his humbleness really was a show of character.

He had a Majors suit on from the military, if not already, the suit made him look rather handsome, more than he already was.

"Im sorry, I didn't get to introduce myself," he began, "Im Elias Gilbert," he extended his arm formally,

a small smile creased on the side of his mouth,

"And I'm Leanette Veal." She shook his hand, it was firm, and rough,

but warm.
He turned around to give her one last look, his face as serious as can be,
the villages street lights shone behind him, people brushing by,
all she could stare at was him.
Villagers were seeking buyers to buy their materials,
small pretty fragments that could mean so much to someone.
He continued to walk, slowly and rhythmically.
He turned suddenly,
the corner of his left eye met hers and he smiled,
his eyes squinted a little,
those eyes,
so pure and rich,
it could draw her in so suddenly.
At that moment,
everything muffled,
every walking person beside her faded,
the world stopped spinning,
all she could see was him,
standing there so handsomely,
his uniform stiff and reassuring,
the lights looked smudged, like a painting on a canvas, all mixed in,
blended colors perfectly in sync with each other,
"Until next time.." she shouted and waved,
he was already walking away, but she knew he heard her,
she just knew he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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