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tears forming in felix's eyes without any warning, they stared to fall. "w-what do you mean! what do you mean stop all of this!" he shouted. a couple eyes staring at the two.

"I think it's the best for both of us."

felix shaking his head, he wiped his tears away. sniffling, he sprung up from his chair. "no! I'm not letting us end this way, do you even know what you're saying!"

"yes, yes I do." he replied with no emotion.

felix hands then cling onto his hair. pulling his blonde locks out of rage. "after everything! you decided to just cut me off!"

changbin gulping, he looked away. "I'm just saying that this is-"

"what! this is the best for us? or it's the best for you. changbin you don't know how long I've been in love with you!"

"overtime you'll just get bored of me."

"bored of you! do you hear yourself!" felix screamed, "what the hell is wrong with you! were you just toying with me and leading me on? is this what I am to you? a damn joke!"

changbin trying to keep his composure, he shook his head. "I don't think of you as a joke nor a toy. felix you need to understand-"

"understand what!" felix clenching his fist, he felt his throat becoming sore from his yelling, "that you're an idiot!"

"that I can't do this!"

felix then took a hold of his hoodie, "what are you so afraid of! never in my life have I experienced happiness like this when it came to someone!"

changbin slapping away felix's hand. he brushed himself off. "I'm not afraid of any-"

"don't give me that bullshit! I'm not afraid of anything!" he cut off, "out of nowhere, when everything was going so well. you decided to leave. something came to mind!"

"felix plea-"

"don't felix me! if this is about your stupid ex-girlfriend then go! spill it out, tell me that you don't have any interest in me. that I was nothing to you!"

changbin gritting his teeth, he took off his mask and slammed it on the table.

"I'm too afraid of falling in damn love again! but your existence is making everything so hard for me!" changbin yelled, "I'm afraid of you leaving me! and not having anyone to love me the way I love you!"

yoonminful - 11:54 pm

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