Disclaimer and Author's Note

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Disclaimer: All original SBA characters, iconic phrases and background storyline are by Sema Ergenekon, Eylem Canpolat and Erkan Birgören. 

Author's Note

Greetings, güzel SBA Fandom :)

I know we all are upset that SBA has ended early, that's why I thought of putting together some of our fandom's ideas and make an original storyline as if we are writing Season 2. This fanfiction will include all of the remaining characters from the original series, and there will be new characters added to the story as it goes. I will try my best to bring back some of the old characters from the series (e.g. Deniz, Sinan, Ayhan etc.), and there might be cameo appearances from other Dizis as well - so stay tuned :) 

Setting the Base of the story

This story will be set a few years after Episode 32. Now that Namık is dead, the ownership of Emirhan Holdings is transferred to Ferhat (assuming Namık left a will). Note that I want to give Emirhan Holdings a backstory and make it one of the strongest companies in all of Turkey. From the series, we know that Emirhan Holdings own the hospital (where Aslı previously worked) and many other real estate developments, has a scholarship fund and has international business ties with exports (including illegal tradings). Namık was a business mogul, thus it is not surprising he had many powerful enemies.

Ferhat is trying his best to clear the scandals since Namık's death, with the help of Yiğit and Öğur Savcı. Despite his efforts to make things for the better, rumours still spread like wildfire around Istanbul. Many of their partner companies cut ties and stopped trading with them. People were whispering on the streets. They avoided the Aslan family wherever they go. Even Aslı's reputation as a surgeon was affected.

"We thought Emirhan was terrible. The Aslans proved us wrong. They killed him for Emirhan Holdings."

"That Doktor Aslı used to be so good. Now she became like them. Çok yazık."

"Ferhat Aslan wasn't Namık Emirhan's nephew. Apparently, he was his son. God knows what else he did for power and money."

"Like father, like son, eh?"

Cüneyt managed to escape prison successfully - (I personally think that Cüneyt is the cat with nine lives and he is not going to just surrender to the police easily). As if luck was his best friend, he found Şahin Çigale's daughter Melisa, who aims to seek revenge for her father's death. Using this as a leverage, he allies with Melisa in order to take down Ferhat Aslan. Unbeknown to them, a powerful figure emerges from the shadows. Mehmet Yaman, the elder brother of Idil Yaman-Emirhan, also the president for Yaman Corporations. Mehmet knew what was in Namık's laptop: evidence for money laundering, bribery, murders and secret e-mails. He knew what happened in that household all along, including his sister's disappearance and death. Now the question is this: Is Mehmet a friend, or a foe? 

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