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"I can see your white aura, crackling with energy, it has taken us awhile to find a Child of Zeus within the Sagittarius compound," he says to me.

I purse my lips and raise my eyebrows. I am unsure whether I should call the Sagittarian guards.... For all I know he could be a completely crazy person. He doesn't seem like it though, so I go for a mix of sarcasm and curiosity.

"Hello, my name is Zelena, nice to meet you, thank you for noticing my aura, whatever that is," I reply seriously.

Instead of snapping back he smiles. It was an awkward smile, but sort of friendly. I could tell he was pressed for time but didn't want to rush me. I almost laughed before I reminded myself, Taurus's are known for their generosity.

"I apologize for approaching you so straight forward, meet me tonight behind your house," he said.

I wanted to ask him if he needed my address. But something told me he already had it. He nodded and walked away before I could agree, as if he knew I'd say yes. I was paying attention to the way he walked when I noticed a slight glimmer of sunset orange around him. Thinking it was my imagination, I start to walk away and think of tonight. As I walked my brain came back to me. What if we got caught out after our designated curfew? He obviously didn't care for the rules! I REALLY do not want to get put in the sane category as teen hooligans. I didn't even get his name!! They all sounded like reasons I should not leave the house tonight. But, the more I thought about it, it sounded like music to my ears. Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll actually have fun tonight.

Pretty soon it was 9:45 and my family was asleep. I only live with 1 other person, so it was not hard sneaking out the back door. I hesitated leaving at first, I even peeked into my moms bedroom at one point. I didn't want her to wake up, find me gone, and break that trust. I thought back to earlier, in Honestly class and realized. Maybe, I hadn't learned as much as I ought have!

I stepped out and realized I had no idea where to go when someone grabbed my wrist. I got scared and reacted, my hand shot out sparks and his reacted by spitting out fire. We both let go, my eyes stinging with pain. I could not see his face since it was dark,but he hissed in pain. I wasn't completely sure how we hadn't blown up, but obviously glad.

"Ok, I definitely should have been more careful, follow me," he says. I shake my head before realizing he can't see me. Just as I think that, he turns on a flash light and hands it to me. It was nice of him to bring one. But how did he know I wouldn't bring my own?

"Sagittarians are hardly ever prepared.." he explained. That slightly offended me. I'm unsure why, because it's true, my life was messy. But I sort of liked the skittishness of it!

"I will not go galumphing through the forest with someone whose name I still do not know!" I say, whisper yelling.

"Since you are so insistent, it's Jay." he says as he continues to walk away. With Jay's passive attitude and patience, I could tell we would be close friends.

"Well Jay, how did you find me?" I ask, partly curious and afraid of his answers.

"My friends and I have been watching you for a while," he answers steely.

"Did you know that's creepy? People get arrested everyday for stalking," I say, jumping over a tree branch. I was never much to look at. My hair is light brown and my eyes are emerald green, they do not look right on my white skin. I'm not sure why I suddenly thought of that. Maybe its cause of the way he suddenly stopped and stared at me intently. I swear I felt him taking me apart molecule by molecule.

"My friends and I were keeping an eye out for you, so I apologize we overstepped your boundaries!" he growls loyally. So I finally figured out what wears his patience thin, insulting his friends. I admired him for that quality.

We continue walking in silence until he stops and I bump into him. He says nothing, but allows me to take it all in.

In front of me is a huge brick house, but on the top is glass. Through the top I can see a lounge area and someone shuffling around up there. On the door of the brick part are all the signs of the zodiac. Except for one, I notice my own is missing. I approach the door and touch it. When I do, the other signs glow and shine. There is a flash of light, and when it subsides my sign is there, under the palm of my hand. I lift my hand, realizing it is burning. I look and see my sign burned there as well, a permanent part of my skin ♐. I look at Jay to see he has his own palm raised. On his,he also has a sign burned ♉.

"It is used as an anchor to center your ability," he tries to explain but I just walk in. Sitting on the couch are guys about 17, like I, playing video games. Jay suddenly pushes me over and launches a flame at them. It disappears before it reaches them but one still jumps.

"What was that man?!!" the one that jumped says.

"Damien, you know that's my special controller, why are you still obsessing over it after I told you no?!" Jay yelled back.

"Man you know he's a Scorpio!" the 2nd guy defended.

"Stay out of this Jaevon!"

"I'll show you obsessiveness!" Damien said as he pressed the palm of his hand and took a deep breath.

A fierce symbol burst into the air, ♏ and Damien smiled. The ground started opening up and I see skeletons crawling out the ground.


"You wouldn't."

Jaevon laughed as he pressed his own symbol ♊ and he split into two more of himself. They grabbed Damien and the hole started closing up.

Damien frowned and looked at the ground. "No fair, you tricked me," he complained.

I found it totally unfair that he rose the dead and was going to let him loose.

"So that is Damien, Scorpio, Last Child of Hades, God of the Dead," Jay said nonchalantly, as if nothing happened.

I nod, too stunned to speak.

"I'm Jaevon,Gemini, Last Child of Hermes, God of Wind," he said, never taking his eyes off the screen. I nod and Jay pulls me upstairs slowly. I'm still beginning to process what I saw when I'm taken to the lounge.

I saw two girls,playing chess.

"Marie, Danielle, this is Zelena, introduce yourselves," Jay said and walked downstairs.

"My name is Marie, Libra, Last Child of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, don't pay attention to the boys," a girl with pepper hair and freckles advised.

"I'm Danielle, call me Danni, Aquarius,

Last Child of Poseidon, God of the Sea, where did Madeline go?" she asked.

Suddenly a girl with dirty blonde hair opened a door and sprayed something.

"I advise you to not walk into that bathroom," she announced to everyone. I flushed with embarrassment for her. People in my sign were shy people and would never suggest something as horrific as what she just said. The other girls however, laughed.

"This is Zelena, she just transferred from Sagittarius," Marie introduced. Madeline held back a laugh but couldn't suppress a smile.

"Sorry to laugh, new initiates are just so timid, I love when they grow out that stage," Madeline laughs.

This was a stage I was going through?

"I'm Maddy, Leo, Last Child of Apollo, God of the Sun," she introduced herself as.

"Can you explain to me what that last part means?" I asked, finally mustering up the courage.

"Our signs are ruled and watched over by Greek Gods, we are the only ones different enough to break free of the system because our mother, or father, is a Greek God."

"So your father, is Apollo?"

She nodded and I almost fainted. "So who is my father?" I ask.

"Zeus, King of the Gods, Ruler of Lighting," she said with a soft, apologetic smile.

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