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First P.O.V.

I wake up to a soft alarm coming from the nightstand. As I force my eyes open, my groggy brain reminds me that I'm in Shawn's bed instead of mine. I look over my shoulder and see his muscular back moving in rhythm to his breathing. We must've separated during the night.

Nonetheless, last night was the best I've slept in a long time. Usually, I have trouble and can't even think about going to sleep until the sun rises. I reach over and shut off the alarm coming from Shawn's phone. I smile to myself as I turn over and scoot up behind him.

"Shawn..." I whisper softly as to wake him up gently on his big day. The light comes through the window, looking like it's mid-morning.

When he doesn't stir, I run my fingers through his disheveled curls and slightly raise my voice. "Shawn. Up and at 'em! It's Grammy day!" I giggle as his shoulder falls back toward me and his eyes are looking at me sleepily.

"Five more minutes, mom," he teases with a wry smirk.

My mouth falls open with a scoff into an annoyed smile. "Oh, you're gonna regret that," I declare as I quickly press my fingers rapidly into the sensitive skin around his ribs.

He immediately wakes up further as he falls into a fit of laughter forced by me tickling him. I sit up further to get a better angle at both of his sides to continue torturing him and he tries desperately to get me to stop.

"I'm sorry! Ah! I didn't-I didn't mean it-" his sentence is broken up by his beautiful giggles and I pause for a moment to admire it.

He takes that opening to capture my wrists in his large hands before rolling me over onto my back and pinning me down. "Aha! Got you," he says from above me with a confident grin.

"Sure you did," I say sarcastically as my teeth find my bottom lip. I notice as his eyes keep moving from my amused stare to my sarcastic grin. He breathes heavily, still coming down from all the laughter and it's hard for my body to stay cool.

I clear my throat as I shift to get up, and he lets me. "So...big day today! Are you nervous?" I tease as I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Am I nervous? Please! I've done this a thousand times...the question is whether you're nervous for your red carpet debut," he calls from the other room.

His voice sounds off and I return from the bathroom to look into his eyes intently. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah..." he nods, his eyes refusing to find mine.

I instantly cross the room and my hands cup his jaw. "Hey, look at me," I say softly as he finally matches my stare. It's then that I see the anxiety building up in his dark honey eyes. "Tell me what's going on, okay?"

"Y/n, I'm fine-" He chuckles nervously before I cut him off.

"Shawn...it's me. I know what anxiety looks like. Let's just...sit down and talk it out. All right?" He nods and I watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows.

I perch myself next to him on the edge of the bed, our bodies facing each other. He looks at the floor with a concentrated stare as he purses his lips. "The truth is that I wanted you to be my date because I'm nervous about performing the new song and about the award," he confesses.

"Well, I gathered that much," I smile gently at him. The corner of his mouth twitches up ever so slightly. I pause, waiting for him to elaborate.

"I really want this award, y/n. Do you know how amazing it would be for me to get an award this huge?" He takes a breath and I nod. "I just...I think I'll actually be devastated if I don't win this one..."

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