Fallin' All in You

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3 Years Later

I finally turn the key with one hand while the other holds bags of groceries and my phone is pressed between my ear and my shoulder. My hand can't get a grip on the key because of the gloves I'm wearing, so I'd been struggling for a few minutes.

Obviously, I'm not used to having to wear a lot of cold weather gear, having spent most of my life on one warm coast or the other. The crazy part is that it's October and it's way colder than it got even in the winter down there. I guess that's what I get for moving way up north.

"What? Yeah, no. I heard you...I'm just currently trying to multitask," I explain while I nudge open the door to the condo as I listen to the person ramble frantically on the other end of the line. Sighing heavily, I kick the door closed and set the bags on the kitchen island. "You did what?"

I begin to put perishables away as they continue apologizing for the mistake they made with the footage I needed. This is my typical work phone call now. I try to take a few extra vacation days off the entire year and things fall apart without me. A few off for any holidays. Another for a birthday. And two days in October. The day of my birthday and the day after. Since both of them are important dates.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I take the call to my office so I can look at plans while I instruct them on how to fix what they messed up. Five years ago, I never would have thought that I'd be the most sought after documentary film director for the stars. Not to mention editor as well. After the success of Hailee's documentary, the offers came pouring in. I got a personal request from Niall wanting to snag me next...and of course, I directed Shawn's next big tour...then it was 5 Seconds of Summer...and so on until now.

After about thirty minutes of me explaining the same simple fix over and over, I finally hang up the phone. I head down the hall to the bedroom and change into what I'm wearing for my date for my birthday. A content smile creeps onto my lips as I look around the vast room. Film posters and white Christmas lights litter the walls as well as a few bookshelves with books and great movies. In between, are carefully displayed guitars in stands or on wall mounts. I never would have thought that I'd be here right now.

You see, after my 23rd birthday where Shawn revealed to the entire world that he's in love with me and the next morning on the beach where I revealed the same to him...we agreed to give us a shot. It's been three years and Shawn has put out two more albums and done as many tours. I've been around the world several times over directing documentaries for bands and artists. It sounds extremely busy for both of us, right?

Neither of us thought it would be so hard. In fact, within the first year and a half, we were arguing so much about not having enough time for each other that I thought maybe it was too difficult. I thought maybe our careers would really be too much for both of us to handle. But, like always, Shawn surprised me with his solution.


"I'm just saying that it's not my fault that I can't be there to answer every single phone call, Shawn! I'm really busy all the time!" I yell as I storm out of his bedroom and toward the front door.

He sighs heavily, his feet padding the floor as he follows me. "And I'm just saying that it's not that hard to shoot a text when you get a free minute or let me know you made it to the next city safe, y/n," he says delicately. His calm tone just infuriates me more. He never raises his voice to the same level I get to.

"Ugh!" I half-groan, half-screech as I put on my coat aggressively. "I'm sorry that I'm forgetful! Okay?! But...Jesus, Shawn! The whole world doesn't revolve around you! SOME OF US HAVE ACTUAL JOBS!" I regret it as soon as it leaves my lips. His face looks like I've struck him as his mouth parts and his eyes widen. I wish I could take it back but I can't. And I can't apologize because I'm too stubborn and proud and my body is running on the adrenaline of being constantly badgered about texting him every goddamn minute.

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