Chapter 1

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The castle is bright and cheerful as always. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live here. Well, I should know the answer to that as I work for my best friend (the prince), Kaoru. Working as his personal knight isn't actually a terrible thing, I would happily lay down my life to protect him, he is the future king after all.

But, I can't help feeling that today brings bad news. A dark, sinister cloud hangs over everyone's head. Maybe it's the fact that it's almost fifteen years since Kaoru's brother got kidnapped. Or maybe something awful is going to happen. I hope it's not the latter, though I have a hunch it is. And my hunches are always, always, correct. The very thought makes me grip my sword tightly.

The grand door is approaching, it seems that during my brooding I have arrived at my destination. I knock, my armoured knuckles creating quite a racket. Nothing though, can prepare me for the bone crushing hug I get when the door flies open.

"Hikaru! Hey!" Kaoru grins at me, a big wide smile. I shrug, like: 'what the hell' and hug him straight back. Sure, it is my duty to protect the little guy but we've known each other since we were five, hugging is now a day-to-day occurrence. "Hi, Kaoru," and yes, I know what you're thinking, I didn't call him Prince Kaoru. We're so close I don't even have to. He grabs my metal-clad arm and drags me inside.

Then, he proceeds to jump with joy, "You know what? Tomorrow's my birthday! I'm going to be fifteen, Hikaru, fifteen! That's three years from being an adult!" He shouts, barely containing himself, I honestly don't blame him. With his family's level of wealth, imagine those presents! "But won't people make an even bigger fuss of you? Also, you know how you're parents will act tomorrow." When his face crumples, I know I shouldn't have said that last part. Of course, it's going to be his missing brother's, or should I say twin's, birthday too and every year, the Hitachiins mourn him. Sometimes I wonder if Kaoru's parents even believe he is still alive.

He then picks his smile back up again, "yeah, but I don't mind as long as they don't fuss too much." The poor guy. I have no siblings so I wouldn't know what it's like. I bet it doesn't help the fact that I'm actually named after his missing twin. His parents announced, after he went missing, that anyone was allowed to name a new born boy after him. Hence my name, Hikaru.

"So Hika ~" he glances slyly at me.
"What?" I look him dead in the eyes. He giggles, "~Got a girlfriend yet?" I blush bright red, "N-no! Why would you think that?!"
He then looks at me again, "~but you do like someone right?"

Just as I was about to deny this while it was actually true, a word - just one word - rang out. My name. That word. The word that would start everything.


That concludes the first chapter, guys! I had an idea, just for fun, and my sister encouraged me to turn it into a Wattpad book. So, I write the blurb/description and it was the best I had ever written! That motivated me more and here you have it!

I'm looking forward to establishing bonds with all of you. Also, thank you for choosing to read this, this is actually my first OHSHC fanfic. I have others in progress but I haven't got as far as finishing the first chapter. So... Thank you all!

And to add to it, happy birthday Hitachiin twins!

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