Wrapped Around His Finger

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Wrapped Around His Finger

A Harry Styles Fan Fiction // a.u


Author's Note // this shit's important

Hi readers, first of all I'd like to say Thank You if you're willing to add this story to your library. I hope you like what I write, and sorry if you spot any misspelling, grammars, etc. ((because English isn't my national language and writing has been a kind of hobby for an improvement..))

And just a reminder that this story has nothing associated with Harry Styles from One Direction, (so that if you read any horrible things he does in certain chapters please understand that the real Harry Styles isn't like that, he's just a cutie lil cupcake, tbh) Harry plays a role as Edward. & I'm basically a fan of him, tryna bring out my fantasy out to this fic so please dont h8 me!!

Xx, Aisha

here's the synopsis of this fic ((maybe you read this already in the Story's Info but like it or not You'll have to read it again because I told you so))


20 years old Edward has a callous mind, somehow, his compelling attractiveness left a girl love-struck to the point she's willing to give him anything.

"Anything?" his voice rises in amusement.

The edge of his lip twisted upwards.

Will he take advantage of her?

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