Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

(a/n) sorry for the late update i know it's been like years ugh anyway Dane is played by Dane DeeHan. never heard of him? he was playing the role Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spiderman 2! <3 Sorry if you spot any mistakes, I'm currently writing at 12 pm so yeah, Enjoy

xx Aisha


"Whoa, you alright?" Edward stumbled to the side as I ran to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just tired, let's just go home" I muttered. Edward stares at me for a little while, he doesn't say anything.

"Are you okay? And who was that guy?"

I gasped as I realized that Edward has been watching me bumped into Dane. My stomach churned again in the same strange hint of nervousness. What do I explain...

Because I'm definitely not telling Ed that I haven't broke up with Dane. And yes, we are still in a relationship, a complicated one, I guess.

Although we have been dating for like 9 months or so, I just haven't deal with all his bad boy persona, his ways on hitting girls up and make them swoon over him. I always wanted him to show everyone that he belongs to me, and I belong to him. But it just never worked out for us.

"What guy?"

Edward rolls his eyes, "That guy you just bumped into over there, you know who I'm talking about, Love"

"Oh, that was Dane- uhm, you know what, Ed? It doesn't matter, let's go back to the car!" I clung into his shoulder, motioning him to leave the place.

Edward shot a disapproving glance at me, but then he keeps on walking to the parking lot.


"Yeah! You're the one I love! You're the one I neeeeed! You're the only one I see, Come on baby it's-"

"Youuuu!" I yodeled enthusiastically at his face.

The volume of his car's radio hit the maximal state I barely hear Edward's sudden loud crack of laughter. Honestly, we're just keeping each other entertained at the moment.

"I really love to spend time with you, you know that," he clears his throat, "L?"

"Me t- Hey! were you calling me L?"

"Yeah, sounds cute right? Love is a bit heavy in my opinion, but that is okay so I'd still be calling you with that beautiful name constantly, Do you mind?" Edward chuckled, his eyes are still on the road.

I blush in respond, "L? alright, you're the first person ever to call me that. And no, I don't mind.." I bring my fingers to his bicep hesitantly, "Anyway, Ed, I also love," my lips tremble slightly, he just turned his head to me, "to spend time with you."

My breath hitched as he lowered his face into mine.

No shit.

I was so stupid because for a second I thought he was about to kiss me but he leaned in to whisper in a quite, raspy voice,

"Tell me Love, you ever been touched?"

"Excuse me?" I scrunched my brows together in confusion.

"Have you ever been touched? Not by yourself, I mean, a man ever touch you before?"

I let out a gasp at his unexpected question, but I'm telling Ed the truth anyways.

"Yeah, but I'm still a virgin"

Edward's POV

"Yeah, but I'm still a virgin!" I could sense her fake laughter. Well, this young lady isn't as innocent as I think.

"Really? Who did?"

"Dane" she frowned suddenly. And that breaks my heart a little.

"Where did he touch you?"

"Here, here, and here, a lot." My eyes glued to her hands which were motioning into her inner thighs, her chest, and her side- maybe she referred to her backside.

"Oh," I just couldn't say that I feel sorry or anything, I have my eyes back on the road.

"I don't need you to feel bad, though. I always liked Dane to go all touchy on me"

She murmured nonchalantly. I don't know if she realizes that I could practically see her free hand roaming through the between of her thighs.

What did I miss?

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