Chapter one...

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                                                 Chapter one.

Everybody has a story to tell, a secret life if you will, part of them that they don't let people see. 

The alarm clock wakes me up at 7am same as it always does on a school day, except this time it was different it was ringing me to let me know it was my first day as a senior in my high school. Now you are all properly wondering why this would be a problem, well you see I am what my school classmates call a nerd. I am skinny with long brown/red highlighted hair that flows below my ass, not that they would know that seeing as it is always in a bun, I have grey/blue eyes and I am about 5:4 in height. Getting up and doing my normal bathroom routine, I look in my closet for something to wear I opt for some black skinny jeans my black Ninja top and my converse and my black leather jacket and add my usual mascara and eyeliner. Yes I am known as an emo/nerd how original of them really. Grabbing my bag I tip toe down the stairs to grab a apple then I am out the door to get into my baby my purple and black mini cooper yes I got it spray painted, totally worth it if you ask me. It never takes me long to get to the local high school as soon as I see the familiar sign “angel academy” yes that is the name of the high school. I start to slow down as I don’t really want to go in but what choice do I really have it I want to ever get out of this place the only chance I have is getting into college so here goes nothing. 

As I make my way up to the school doors I see my best friend Kirstin waving at me, I give her a small smile while walking over to her and preparing for the massive bear hug I am about to receive. “Hi B, how was your summer holidays, I can’t believe I was away for all of it.” Oh I am so sorry I forgot to tell you who I am, my name is Isabella or Bella or in Kristin case B, I am 18 years old and Kirsten, her boyfriend of nearly 3 years Jake and our other friend Sophie are the only friends I have in the place I like to call Hell. Looking around I don’t even see Sophie anywhere or Jake for that matter which is weird because him and Kirsten are joined at the hip. “Hi my summer was fine, where are Sophie and Jake at? They should be here by now school will start in 5min.” Kirsten pulled a face at me and as usual assumed the worst. “They are on their way they stopped to get coffees for us we all know you never eat breakfast so it is a new thing we are trying out for us all.” I smiled at her wondering how I got so lucky to have friends likes these. Looking around again I see all the usual clichés that you get in every school, popular run by none other than Stacy the typical bleach blonde cheerleader. The druggies who are always by the tree near the side of the school; everyone knows what they are doing so why they sit there is beyond me. The nerds that are always too busy with their head in books to notice what is actually going on around them.  And of course us the outcasts the people who don’t care who they talk to or who doesn’t talk to them, or in other words are to cool for school. Just as my thoughts wonder to other random things I see my other too best friends walking over to us. Smiling I wait until they reach us to start convocation, we already got our class list sent out to us so there was no need to worry about where it was we were going. “Hi guys how are you today?” Jake asked while pulling Kirstin to his side and giving her a long heated kiss. Sighing I wish I could have love like theirs but that would never happen to someone like me I am to shy with other people than the 3 friends that I have. Walking towards the school to get our first classes so we won’t be late, I start to put on the act I give off to everybody in school my friends see what I am doing and start to give each other the look of here we go again. “B not this again look no one cares if you stop pretending to be the shy quite girl for once in your life just be yourself this is senior year for fuck sake.” Sophie said her voice getting higher with every word she spoke. Shaking my head I carried on walking putting my head down and trying to blend in with the crowed. There was no point in trying they say this every year so I don’t know why she doesn’t give up, plus it isn’t really an act I really am quite shy and I don’t like meeting new people, it would be more people that I have to keep secrets from. Waving good bye to my friends I look at my class schedule for the day.

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