Crying in public is so difficult.
When your family doesn't know.
Then later asks why your eyes r teary.
Then in your mind the only thing that u think abt is. (Mostly me)
I'm crying bcuz of your hurtful words. maybe at least think bfore u say anything. I really want to die and rot. And just not live ever again. And be ded forever. And I hope you have a good life without me with you. I know all of you never wanted me alive. And I can guarantee you that I will be gone. Any time now. Just wait. If you ever think it's your fault and u fall into depression. Actually it's my fault for existing. My fault for still being alive. My fault for you to live in missery. I'm sorry. You shouldn't fall into depression bcuz of me. be happy now that I am finally gone and dead. Like what all of you ever wanted. Dont blame yourself for my death. blame me. Me. Me, the person who never was a somebody. And was always a nobody.