Stressed Out (Fluff)

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A/N: I keep leaving for long periods of time and I just wanna say that I'm extremely sorry for that. I just have trouble coming up with ideas sometimes, and I'll get caught up in a lot of other things. If you guys would like to help me with that, you can leave some requests for stories in the comments below. But anyways NOW THE IMAGINE.
Warning(s): none

Hoseok came back home from work, and found that the house was quieter than usual. A bit confused, Hoseok looked around the house for his boyfriend, Yoongi, who always came home a few hours before he did, sometimes a little later depending on traffic. He eventually approached the bedroom door, which was closed, with light dimly shining through the crack at the bottom. Hoseok knocked on the door, but strangely, got no response. He knocked once more. "Yoongi? Are you in there?" After not getting a reply once again, Hoseok decided to open the door.

He walked in, and was shocked that the room he was seeing was their bedroom. There were crumpled up papers strewn across the floor, cans of soda piling up on the desk, and Taco Bell (random choice IK) wrappers all over the bed. He then looked towards the desk to see Yoongi, slightly hunched over his computer, staring blankly at the screen as he typed away.

"Yoongi?" Yoongi jumped by Hoseok's sudden question, not realizing he was there. "How long have you been sitting here? You might wanna take a break." Yoongi turned to look at Hoseok, making him gasp at the sight. The bags under his eyes were deep and dark, hair greasier than ever and eyes red from lack of sleep. "Yoongi, you look so bad. How long has it been since you really rested?" "About two weeks. Obviously I still sleep but-" "Two weeks?!" Hoseok leaned back a bit. "Yoongi, this isn't healthy! Why would you do that to yourself?"

Yoongi hung his head, feeling as though he disappointed his lover. "I'm sorry. I just want to give everyone what they want. I'm trying to get my new mixtape done as soon as possibly but my brain just can't think of any good ideas and you know I don't ask for help often so I just kept it to my-" Hoseok quickly cut him off, putting his hands on the sides of his head and turning it to look him in the eyes. "This isn't good for you, Yoongi. You need to rest. Let me take care of you tonight, please..."

Yoongi didn't want to give in. He wanted to just get it over with and then relax. But he knew what Hoseok was saying was right. He held out his arms to Hoseok, letting him lift him up and take him to the bathroom. He ran him a bath, and helped him clean up a bit. After drying himself off, having some dinner, and getting dressed again, he finally let himself lay down in bed with his boyfriend. "You feeling better now baby?" "Yeah, a lot better." Hoseok smiled. "Good. Remember, you can always come and talk to me if you need to. Ok?" Yoongi looked up at Hoseok, feeling himself getting more tired by the second. "Ok..."

Hoseok pet Yoongi's hair, helping to lull him into a gentle sleep. He then felt himself growing tired, and fell asleep shortly after, holding Yoongi in his arms with all the love and care in the world.

A/N2: OMGGGGGGG so I thought this would come out like a week after he last one but it's been like TWO and I'm so sorry I was just really slow writing this and I thought it was bad at first but then I edited it more but that also took time and just UGH I'M SORRY FOR LEAVING Y'ALL AGAINNNNNN.

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